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  • Your town wasn't showing up :c And now my parents are yelling at me to come eat dinner so can we trade once I'm done? It'll only be like 15-20 minutes.
    Got your icecream ready. Can I bring it right now :)?
    If so can you please open the gate and tell me your townname again?
    Bubububu the art on my signatures I didn't draw myself, hahah. But thank you so much! <3
    Sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much, and yup paths were made by me~
    Thank You! Yes please :) btw I have 10 villagers and it might take a while to move Sterling out since I dont tt :/
    It's all cool. How's Agent S? She's so cute, right? ; w; I kinda miss her now, I don't have a peppy villager atm. How's your town looking too? o wo

    I know! I really love Willow. <3 And you don't have to, you already helped enough. Besides, both Marshal and Tangy seem like a pain to acquire. I'll wait it out while trying to move a villager out. xD
    The name is kuroi. They sent me a message a little bit after you sent me one, so it couldn't be a coincidence, can it? xD;

    News: I just got Willow from the user called kuroi. xD
    Aww, I'm glad you did. ; w; Thank you for taking Agent S. I'm glad she's going to a loving town. And yes, I do have reddit, but I think the user may have messaged me via PM just recently? Or did I mistake it? xD;
    I don't know what the Wi-Fi rating is for, but we wi-fi'd and it was great, so I'll give positive?? xD Have fun with Agent S! :3 Congrats again~~
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