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  • Oops, hold on just a bit, I see some hybrids wilting. D: I forgot to set the Beautiful Town Ordinance on. It'll just be a minute! O:
    I was literally just typing a message telling you I'm about to head to bed. xD; Okai, I'll go TT a day ahead and check on her. I'll open my gates when she's in boxes. c:
    Sorry, I dozed off a bit. xD Are you still there? Wanna make sure you're here before I start TTing her to boxes to be safe.
    OMG, I totally don't mind at all, thank you! Imma need Agent S to be taken first anyway, because I have 10 villagers. xD; If you would like to take Agent S now, I can TT her to boxes for you. I'll close my trading thread now, while waiting for your response. c:
    Eee thank you so very much ^__^ I just took a peek at your little chibi Marshal in your signature and ohmygosh he's SO cute! xD
    Yeah, I know. Roscoe is in my heart too. He was the first cranky in my cycling town.

    Hehe! You are so cheerful always! xD * hug back *

    Did you know that Mint is still in my cycling town~! Aww~! Also she still shows me the letter from her ex Mayor Tobias soooo often!
    And it still makes me happy as before. :)
    Hello :D I was viewing Searching for villagers thread to see if anyone wants my villager, and happened to find your post. :)
    I didn't know that you are back from Pokemon~!! Glad to see you again as I have been missing you and him, you know who.
    I'm doing...well...actually partially not fine, but the other part of my life is so so. Maybe more than so so! xD How about you and your bro?
    Actually, I forgot to give you Beau's pic! I was such in a hurry. x_x
    Do you want it now? Or maybe I can wait until you give the other half of bells? c:
    Ok. That's great! One question, will Roscoe have the same shirt and same furniture as you gave him when he's in my town? Just wondering.
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