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  • I'll be on for an hour longer. I'll send the tbt back if I don't hear from you within that time, and we can trade tomorrow.
    I can help you out if you join FR too~ I rarely play so I could donate all of my stuff to you! Only if you want it, of course!
    I haven't watched him for a while, but I really enjoy Sips! There is another one, I can't remember her name, but I like watching her play Don't Starve (that's one of my all-time favorite PC games).

    And Animal Parade is my FAVORITE Harvest Moon! I wanted to play it again, but unfortunately, I don't have the controller that I need for it anymore... but I might break down and buy a new one, even though that seems silly to buy a controller for a console that will soon be two generations behind!

    Haha, Sims is great though! I am not too big into it, but I have Sims 3... 4...? I can't remember which one lol And yah, give PH and FR a shot! They're free after all, so if you don't like 'em, no biggie :> if you join PH, add me as a friend and I will help you out! <3 And YAY new friends XD
    Whoops, forgot to answer some of your questions! Yes, Pokeheroes is just hatching eggs, so it's good for people that like shiny hunting. I've never done that in-game but I enjoy doing that on Pokeheroes. I don't play it as fervently as I did when I was first into it, but I just like seeing my cute little pokemon XD

    And if you like dragons, definitely check out FR! I don't play at all now, but the the dragons, all of the breeding possibilities and apparel are so much fun to play around with! There are people on this forum that play FR as well~ check out their thread in the Gaming Lounge c:

    P.S. Thank you for the friend add! <3
    Haha, stop apologizing! It's ok XD

    I played with dolls too but I've always loved video games! When I was younger I really liked watching people play them too, which is kind of strange I guess ; v ; I still enjoy that, so I like watching Let's plays! And it's not too late! You could always finish-up your X pokdex c:

    I really like Harvest Moon too but I've only played two installments of it and I never finished it! That is one of my faults, I almost never beat games that I start, but I still really enjoy them. I've wanted to try Rune Factory because I like Final Fantasy (again, always enjoyed playing it but never beat any of the games ;^; )

    These days, other than Pokemon and ACNL, I mostly play on the PC! Do you play any PC games? Let me know if you have any suggestions for other 3DS games! c:
    Hey! I actually just got a Vulpix from the GTS that I was planning on breeding. Thanks anyways though! :)
    Mine was too long too.. RIP! ; v ;

    I also play this game called Pokeheroes, so that has been a great way for me to discover Pokemon that I never knew about, considering I was really only familiar with the Kanto and Kalos dexes!

    I totally get the nicknaming thing though! And Lumi is so cute! I've never nicknamed my pokemon but I used to play this other online game called Flight Rising and I poured, likely hours, into researching names!

    Do you play any other games? Well, Animal Crossing obviously lol, but anything else? XD
    Oh my gosh, don't worry about it! I love having convos with people via VM, and my one friend and I go over the limit all of the time XD Besides I've written you some half-page long responses now too! ;D

    I was a fan of Pokemon when it came out in the late 90s (I'm dating myself here *cough*), I had Red and Yellow and I was OBSESSED with the anime lol. But after that, my parents didn't buy my sister and I any of the handheld consoles so I didn't pick it up again until Diamond! What a coincidence! I never finished that game though and the only Pokemon I remember for some reason is Girafarig...! Then I didn't get back into it until X! Then I was hooked again :>

    I wouldn't say I know that much, I don't know stats and all that, and I've always been terrible at remembering what is effective/ineffective against what ; ^ ; but I would still consider it one of my fave series of all time!
    Ah, other than my sis, I don't have any IRL friends that play either! And my sister isn't as obsessed as I am ; v ;

    I do have it turned on! That does help~ My Popplio is 13 and my Pichu is 12... so they aren't at a significantly higher level than Ilima's team, but I thought it would have been sufficient. And thank you, I know! I think I'll try to level them both up to at least 15. In past games I've tried to have my team at least 5 if not 10 levels above whatever gym leader I was facing, so I suppose I should just keep doing that! I am excited to see what Brionne and Primarina look like in-game too!

    Aww, your little Vulpix! SO CUTE! What did you name it? Rockruff is adorable! I think I want a Stufful... The one in Kukui's lab made the most squee-inducing noise I've ever heard, I about died! XD Hmm, Serebii might tell you where you can find Rockruff? Or, I'm sure someone in the Sun/Moon thread knows :>

    How long have you been a Pokemon fan?
    Aww not at all! I definitely post in that thread far too much, and I'm sure everyone hates it! Ha. You at least would post interesting things!

    Ah, I'm really struggling with Ilima. I started over this morning to start along with my sister so I'm still stuck on the first trial. I am getting a bit frustrated because I hate grinding. I know that's a fundamental part of the game, but it's proving difficult for me to stick with it! ;^;

    Right now I'm just trying to use Popplio and Pichu because I actually want them on my team. It's weird, but I absolutely detest using pokemon just to beat something. So, I will grind and level up those two in lieu of swapping in a stronger/more effective pokemon for the sake of beating Ilima. Wow, that was a lot of rambling!

    Who is on your team right now? :>
    Heyyy, thanks for chatting with me in the Sun/Moon thread ;D How far have you gotten in the game now?
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