I haven't watched him for a while, but I really enjoy Sips! There is another one, I can't remember her name, but I like watching her play Don't Starve (that's one of my all-time favorite PC games).
And Animal Parade is my FAVORITE Harvest Moon! I wanted to play it again, but unfortunately, I don't have the controller that I need for it anymore... but I might break down and buy a new one, even though that seems silly to buy a controller for a console that will soon be two generations behind!
Haha, Sims is great though! I am not too big into it, but I have Sims 3... 4...? I can't remember which one lol And yah, give PH and FR a shot! They're free after all, so if you don't like 'em, no biggie :> if you join PH, add me as a friend and I will help you out! <3 And YAY new friends XD