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  • Tammi just pinged to move so whenever you are ready I'll have room for her c:. Thank you!!
    okay! i opened my gates. my fc is under my profile if you havent gotten it yet.
    hi your black lilies are ready! let me know when you're ready to pick them up.
    Yep, and its okay~ I'll add you now
    Edit: added, please come on over when your void Is cleared :)
    Heyo~ are you ready to pick up Rosie right now? Just wondering since I'm about to leave for about 3 hours that doesn't have very good wifi
    Make sure to find out who's moving before you TT again tho!! It works for me all the time. I got Bettina to move out last night >.<. Her plot was in the way of building a bridge.. anyways, good luck c:
    Kk i should have room for her today too. You know the 6 days trick?? When someone pings to move and it's not Chrissy or Francine, tell them to stay. Then TT 6 days forward, load, and save & quit. TT 6 days back to the same date again and someone should ping about moving. Find out who's thinking about moving and repeat until it's Chrissy or Francine
    Ok thank you c: I won't be home til i get off work around 7 pm (pst) i will be free on weekends tho c:
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