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  • The reason why I'm still f**ked up with so much stuff is I got lazy for selling them. Still it got reduced to closed to half comparing to the amount when I started selling them! Like, 70 of each f**king unorderable pieces to 35 of each at this point.
    Its same as usual, baby. Just so busy and doing great. You?
    And do you mean Cousteau my cutie?
    Btw you're not gonna use your old 3ds anymore, right? Cuz I have you in my bfc and I assume it doesn't work if you are using other town/3ds and my bfc is full already so...
    I definitely will! I need more pink roses and stuff first. :3

    and no. -.-

    Bam literally wouldn't stop going into my campsite so I gave up and let him plot on the side. And I think there's still enough space for me to put the campfire in behind his house since he plotted closer to elora's house.
    I was up plot resetting til about 1:30 my time. I still didn't get him where I wanted. Hopefully I can do that today.
    I got bam last night and I've been plot resetting like all day and he's driving me up the wall. he won't stop parking his ass in my campsite. -.-
    If you want Cousteau you can have him whenever the hell he moves out of my cycling town.

    I've been cycling since March and he still hasn't moved out -.-
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