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  • Thanks a lot! Gimme a sec to change my avatar. (I will keep my sig like it is now until october 4th since i want people to enter my giveaway hahah)
    yeah T^T my blood saves life and them mosquitoes know it!! </3 LOL
    I know! allergy season is just too much as well.. @__@
    If you ever get the chance to play the 2 games you should, they're extremly well done and fun. I'm the same with pokemon too, i just like to go crazy with my team and do little tricks and stuff, but everyone else trains and stuff which is really boring and pointless.
    I wanted to replay awakening but i never got to doing that. I love replaying Okami and Xeniblade though, they're my more favorite games. I also reallllllyyy love Pokemon!
    I hate it when I buy a game and i binge play it in a day and get bored of it so quickly.
    I believe late 2016, but theres alot of other games coming out before it so i'll be occupied.
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