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  • ikr! yeah same.. on top of that I'm blood type O so they're more attracted to me xD which sucks LOL
    seriously about time! bring out them onsies and hot coco =w= yeee ~
    oh geez.. that's like the worst o_o yeah I hate having to sit in those chairs after some other people who sweats alot and stuff bleh ~
    I'm in Georgia and like the humidity down here is to point where it's like hard to breathe and you start sweating the moment you step out the door! and mosquitos are deadly down here too.. just nasty buggers biting on you constantly ~_~ and I'm easily prone to getting bit by them too!
    yeah.. like especially during Summer time omg ~ I never experienced something like this before lol
    because I was originally from Cali before I moved in with my bf
    and yeah it was just bizarre for me xD
    it's freakn humid and rains at the same time? like wth @__@
    yeah thunderstorm is hitting over here soon too @__@ crazy.. haha
    oh I think we're in the same time zone?
    Can I have your hammer thing under your avatar please? I am new and don't have any :(
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