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  • Nope! He yours now so do whatever. What are you going to gene him with? I don't gene dragons unless they're gene one or if they came with a basic geme
    & yeah that's the one big downside of having forests everywhere, once summer rolls around they get dry and then people go camping and start them on fire. ;/ or if they don't they get struck by lightning anyway lol it sux. Oh it wasn't actually me that had to evacuate, I was just on "alert" one time when the fires started moving too close. There was one year while I was in Ontario with my sister that my other sister had to evacuate though, thankfully their neighborhood didn't get burned in the end. And if you're talking about the fires I'm thinking of then we got the smoke down here too! XP The air quality was horrible for like weeks. Sorry for the late reply, I'm glad you're doing well! Do anything for the Pokémon 20th anniversary? ;D lmao
    Omg yeah we get mad tourists in the summer, the "Ogopogo" is actually used as a tourist attraction haha you can buy like mugs and shirts with it on there.
    LOL the legendary walleye.. not often seen by people.. sought by monsterologists. River Monsters sounds familiar but I don't think I've ever actually seen it, do they go around and try to find Nessie and stuff? :p Seaweed always creeped me and my sibling out too, something about touching it is eeeughh, so nasty. I remember one time a fish chased us all around too which was weird, it was kind of like it was trying to pick a fight, it was a bit freaky and it wasn't even a big fish.
    Unless you meant you were scared of like pollution or other gross stuff in the water, I'm sure we got plenty of that too lolol sorry for rambling there
    sadly that stereotype is true, I don't care much about sports but even I felt the true Canadian awaken in me during that one year when the Canucks almost won the Stanley Cup.. lmao
    I wasn't feeling v good in the morning but I started to feel a little better throughout the day, thank you <3 I hope you're having a cool day too, whenever you read this !
    YEAH!! it's nice i'm telling u!!! B) Although the mountains have a bad tendency to start on fire every single summer, one year we were on evacuation alert and it was so stressful ugh, at least I didn't have to evacuate in the end lol I do swim in the lake but not as much as one would think, living as close as I do.. you have to go super early or else it's all full of tourists :b There's seaweed in some areas which is pretty freaky to brush up against. Actually we have a v old legend about a sea serpent N'ha-ha-itk that lives in the lake, it used to scare me a lot so I still don't dare swim at night haha! Especially since it's rumored to live specifically near Rattlesnake Island which is clearly visible from where I am x> It's more commonly known as "Ogopogo" (i don't know where that name came from), u may even have heard of it, there's a statue of it in the city park and everything.
    Could I have your pinecones if you don't mind? I'm trying to get as many as possible since it's my flights holiday ;w;'
    waaah ikr 。゜(`Д´)゜。 i was hoping they'd really forget to disable them haha! At least we got to keep them for an extra day this year. Until next Feb.. T~T
    good thing u got those standing desks, sitting all day sounds nightmarish. Whenever I visit an office I always notice everyone has those back-support cushion things hehe. Yeeeess MN is so close to Canada ur like basically Canadian already B> lmao
    I've been to Vancouver a few times but only as a kid, it was great but hard to get around. My mom got lost on the roads a few times. They have an awesome mall there that I can't recall the name of tho. Mm I love being near the water too, I've been lucky to live right next to the lake for several years, it's so nice ` o` I don't want to live anywhere else but the place is rented so I suppose I'll have to eventually. /whine That's what was weird about Ontario, I noticed the flatness right away and it was like jarring lol esp after being barricaded in by mountains all the time.
    Yeaahh, it can really drain the battery if your commute is long. I have a portable external battery pack that I use to charge up my phone on the bus. They're really cheap, you can get them for as low as $8 or so for a 3000mAh one and they're super easy to carry around. I'm looking into getting a 10000mAh one for around $20, actually. That would be about 5 full battery charges for my phone.
    I want to take a little extra time so it will be done by tonight, sorry class and work today XD
    yeah me too, and i read an article once about the 'hazards of sitting' so apparently it's one of the worst things you can do haha i never liked it anyway, i'd rather stand for three hours than sit. :T and sure i'll remember to slide u a join.me link sometime!
    BC is indeed in western Canada, I've been to Alberta and Ontario too but they weren't as good as here ahahah so if u come to canada come to bc!! B> Our dollar is pathetic right now so u could do a lot of shopping with ur american money. I haven't been to the US yet, my family went there on a day trip once but I was sleeping so they just left me at the house LOL
    Phone is a great way to Coli. o: I used to Coli pretty much exclusively on my phone. And then I got a new laptop that was much faster. xD; But nothing beats coli on the phone on the bus.
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