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  • Lol rip, I've played through X about three or four times & one of the times I just restarted after getting the last badge because I was insanely over-levelled (I think I had exp. share on most of the time) and it was just ridiculous, I had like lvl 80 pokemon so the league was not gonna be any fun. :T
    /gasp never played Paper Mario! Well if you do look into it I mostly recommend the first two games, Paper Mario 64, and Thousand Year Door (that one's on Gamecube so it's sadly not available on Virtual Console). It's like an RPG but with Mario, and you get cool partners that help you in battle. You get to fully explore inter-connected worlds, quite unlike standard Mario games which is awesome. The Wii instalment, Super Paper Mario, is in fact more of a side-scroller though, and most of the RPG elements are gone. It's still pretty good imo, but the first two r the best. I got nothin good to say about the 3DS game though haha
    You're welcome!!
    omg yesss that's exactly what I do hahaha I've had to restart so many games for the same reason. Sometimes I even forget the controls /cough Super Paper Mario
    Super Metroid is where Samus is from :cool: (although the first game is just called Metroid, on NES), it's a side scrolling shooter adventure but it's like ridiculously complex for such an old game, I had no chance of beating it as a kid. lmao I also bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U but I haven't even started any of them yet. No shame in not knowing a bunch of Nintendo stuff though, sometimes I wish I wasn't so much of a nerd :p
    Haha noo dw about it! It was a gift.
    Mm well Red/Blue/Yellow are slightly more expensive than other VC games too so it might not be worth it if you don't think you'll play it much. I'm at the last gym on Red but I haven't played in a couple days, I have a recent habit of just not finishing games when I get near the end loool Still gotta beat the last boss in Super Metroid
    Yeahhhh Wallace's death hit me hardddd when i first watched it man. 2nd time wasn't any better T_T omgggg

    You should definitely relax a bit!! I'm going to sleep for 3 days straight after this week is done! I just spent 3 hours today cleaning my entire closet out to donate/sell clothes (we're having a thrift market at our shop this month) and my closet can FINALLY CLOSE!!! I feel very accomplished cutting all that down.
    I wasnt here then either, but I know they have an event usually where they provide clues to the locations of easter eggs hidden on the forum. When you find a certain number of eggs you can trade them in for those egg collectibles. you can find the old event threads still viewable on the bulletin board page. i hope they have one this year, they havent said if they will or not.
    eh they said no re-stocks this weekend, so looks like we'll have to hunt a choco cake for you next time. i bet there will be more re-stocks at the end of the month if they do an easter egg hunt...
    oh yessss sun/moon hype!! pokemon is one of the only games where i can get excited about like 2 seconds of footage LOL gotta get that Moon version.. I bought Red version on VC and caught a shiny Charmeleon in a friend safari for the anniversary lmao (ok i got the charmeleon a day early because i confused the dates, rippp)
    how's u?
    I felled asleep on you, my apologies.
    And yeah! Well I'm not sure really. I have to design them first before I can do anything.
    Yeah! He's actually in a gang so I need to create characters that share the same astethic as him. I need a few more girl ocs too.
    hi!!! I'm well!!! just been inactive on the forums, busy with work no time to sleep or do anything! ;_; how have you been? where are you up to now in the wire? I restarted it and I'm still on season 1.
    thanks! (i keep having lags with the vms.) i'll send you bells tho cause i had planned to buy one anyhow. you can gift me one when i'm down on my luck one day! :)
    ah, its for my giveaway, so id want to buy it! if you really do want to get rid of one, just let me know what price you want. (just couldnt remember if you had a shop thread on these.)
    yeah i can buy from shop-- i just couldnt remember if you were one of the people trying to unload them for under shop price. no biggie, i only need 1 anyhow.
    well, im American, its just that my grandfather always said our ancestors came here from Wales centuries ago. so i like to celebrate St. David's Day bc of that. (altho i guess our ancestors might have actually been English folk living in Wales... o_O.. too late. i called Welsh already).
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