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  • Hahaha well I had that comin this time. jk it's cool, I don't mind reply times. B> Ooo it probably is A Wonderful Life then, since most of the story is reliant on you getting married/having a kid. Me and my sister both played those games and we always got married so I guess I just missed out on killing my farmer early. lol At least they don't do that anymore, I'd be dying all the time in my inability to pick a bachelor/bachelorette. Plus I like getting all the "heart events", kinda lame that you can't see all of them for everybody now unless you give them a ring. I actually have Animal Parade on my amazon wishlist haha i just looked at it now and it's still like 40 bucks ;( a lot of wii games don't go for as cheap as one would expect, I guess since some of them are "rare" now. Maybe I could find it in a pawn shop or something. And yeah the days are always too short in HM!! Especially in Story of Seasons and A New Beginning, you gotta have some damn good time management skills.
    not really, had a beer last nite, probably going out to eat somewhere casual tonight with fam. modern birthdays= that flood of text messages. :p
    hey!! I'm good :) just watched the movie ex machina. have you seen it? it's pretty good haha. how are you?
    !!! omg no not at all, though I can see how you might have got that impression. I'm really sorry for not replying T__T honestly I was really touched by your thoughtfulness. I couldn't think of a way to reply to it without getting all sad again and I didn't wanna keep being a downer. But I sincerely appreciate the kind words and the gesture, although you don't have to send me anything! :p
    And I like all the gyroids in your messages hahah How's it going for u lately? <3 (I never played Animal Parade but I always wanted to because I liked the farmer designs, I might still buy it someday. Which Harvest Moon do you die in for not getting married?? lol I know you die at the end of A Wonderful Life/Another Wonderful Life but I never actually "finished" that game, I got as far as my character having grey hair though)
    I don't exactly know when tomorrow is since we have different timezones, but I'll be online for like 12 hours sooo hit me up when you're available!
    I spent so much time with Pokémon Amie uggg, now I have a weird fixation with getting my favorite Pokémon the "Friendship Ribbon" so I'm always using it even now. @@ I didn't know there were cheats in Harvest Moon omggg I would've spammed them so hard for $$$$. In the recent games I never get far enough to get married, I just can't make the virtual commitment. hahah So I'm single 4ever.
    And thank you for your concern <3 but she's since passed, she was old and I knew it was coming but that didn't make it any easier, actually it kinda made it worse because I had so much time to think about it. I didn't know you had depression either! I'm glad it's ok right now though. Nothing specifically seems to give me any long term respite, but spending time with my nieces and nephews always cheers me up, I'll be going to visit them soon anyway since it's my niece's birthday on the 20th. You're honestly too kind to say that, if u ever need anything you can ask me also!!
    Yeah you have to look around all the boards basically, I did surprisingly well which I took as a bad sign that I spent too much time here last year. :p and oh yeah there was wasn't there? someone going around trying to give out the answers to the christmas scavenger hunt or something like that?? hahah, there was people getting banned for that left n right during easter too.
    aww thank you, I'll soldier through it. x> One of my two cats has been really ill and it's not looking good at all so I've been stressed and sad about that, on top of standard depression just kicking me around lately. yeesh it's a downer even to write that, sorry orz but that's kind of you to ask. ♡ How are u doing lately?
    Yeah I sold it like 10 seconds after you posted hahah! And I did mix it up with the starters but I don't think I kept any of them for the full playthrough I'm terrible :'< With exp share, lucky egg, and the exp boost from Pokémon Amie it was really easy to over-level in this gen, I mean I like one-shotting everybody for the most part but when you're so much higher levelled it gets a bit boring. x)
    If you have a Wii U you can get Paper Mario 64 on VC! That's too bad u don't have the consoles though because ur right they are great, most of my favorite games of all time are on them. /tear Harvest Moon was a good one to get addicted to, it was one of the few games me and my siblings all played. Idk why farming little pixel cows is so amazing but it is. LOL
    Nope! I'm still struggling trying to think of a basic design. Like I want it to look nice but also not extra.
    Hmm the Easter event had some riddles that needed video game knowledge if I'm recalling correctly, but even more than that you needed to have been really active on the forum/know most of the goings-ons here. Some of the riddles were literally impossible for new members or people who aren't online much. Actually here's the Easter Hunt I participated in so you can see the riddles and their answers: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?279489-TBT-s-Third-Annual-Easter-Egg-Hunt!&highlight=easter+hunt < riddle #19 is a perfect example of what I mean, since it was referencing a post made during the April Fool's event, so you had to have seen that post (and remembered it) in order to solve the riddle. lol they make it pretty difficult! and no Golden Egg came from the last event due to a ~scandal, so that was kinda lame.

    Tbh I've been better, but you're sweet for saying that! I hope you've been well also B>
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