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  • Hey sorry for the late reply i've been so busy with student teaching!! Thank u for the offer omg you're so sweet but i'll be ok haha, have just had some medical problems recently and family members in the hospital but things are getting a little better!! :)

    Hope you're having a great week!! Doing anything fun for easter?
    You should be able to order them how you want like before, per page, and per tab, and for example you can have only one dragon per page/tab if you want. What weird order do you mean, maybe I can help?
    I like the new layout, and it looks a bit more dynamic. I currently only have one tab though, because I would have to move a lot of my dragons around and maybe I'll do it when I have a better idea of how I want my lair, but for now it's fine ^^
    Yeah I hope he'll come back for wavecrest, I'm looking forward to it too:D
    Omg YESSS I'll add you once I get home from school and we can catch up!!! <333
    guuuurl hahah ok i'll add it soon : D just home from work and sooo tired rip it was unexpectedly crazy for a Monday. Hope your day has been good so far bb <3
    Oh nooo D: I hope today is 193% better!!! (Your percentages LoL) I'ma dm you when I stop being lazy and get out of bed.. finally figured out what "dm" means so I can say that now. B) u the best xoxoxo
    OMG PEONY!!! Yes I remember!!! How have you been??? <3 I've been doing well thanks!! :D I miss you all dearly <3
    LOL i only changed my bio like the day before too, you're so fast! I felt like I needed a more accurate description of myself. pffft. Yeah you're a ghost remember?? ♥
    bloop!! Aw I would have bought you 100000 if I had been thinking properly, I spent .2 seconds wondering if I should buy more and then they sold out. dw about paying me back, you did technically buy it fufufu plus your healing vibes fixed my headache! Haha

    I had to google it but I guess we don't have T-Mobile in Canada? Why do I know the name so well.. lol I picked a carrier basically at random when I got my phone and luckily haven't had any trouble yet (although I always hear other people saying Rogers sucks :x) omg I have only been in the TBT discord a couple times, I'm too shy- the people there are always soooo nice and I get flustered and don't know what to say RIP

    dammmm that weather sounds crazy D: we're finally getting some of the famous April rains so I'm <3333 and tysm, your motivation always helps me!!! ;A; I was able to draw a little yesterday yeehaw! AND today! Gotta try to keep this streak up lolol
    Yeah it takes endless hours just to find a couple clues, maybe they rerelease a few older eggs this year?
    Ah Fire, I hear they have delicious burnt cookies over there:D (people sometimes joke about burnt cookies on the forums ;)), yes, I´m still in Wind!
    How do you like the new lair layout?
    Great to hear:D Yeah we'll be getting an easter event most likely, I'm looking forward to it, and yes I'm still playing FR, are you playing again/thinking about getting back into it?
    Thank you so very much, it truly warms my heart to hear that! :D I hope you have a very good day as well! :)
    My mom and step dad are going to come up for dinner but other than that probably not lol. And wow that's crazy! I definitely can't handle more snow haha i'm sorry you have to deal with that!!

    And oh no i'm sorry you're not happy with your job :( I hope you find a better one soon! Or that things improve at the job you're at lol.

    And uhhhh no they're actually worse haha but i'm surviving I guess! Thanks for checking in btw, it's always nice to hear from you :)
    Yes, I'm here (no intentions to leave ^^), nice to hear from you <3 All is well, how're you doing?
    Thank you!!! :D haha oh no!!! Do you still have a lot of snow? It snowed really hard here on Tuesday actually but luckily it's all melted now. How's work going and everything? :)
    Hahaha where did you hear that? :eyes: I can't think of mine off the top of my head (it's Zane with numbers at the end I know that much LOL) so I'll add u next time I'm at my computer!! Not rly feeling well so just browsing on my phone and I don't have the app .. that lets you use it on ur phone right? /noob

    Snow ?!? MN weather would kill me, I don't wanna look at a snow for at leeeeaast 9 months! I haven't been up to much I'm afraid D: what about you?? <3 & thank you!!!! it's actually oldddd art of mine from when I actually knew how to draw hahah xP I took my drawing tablet out for the first time in forever and my efforts are just depressing ;a; pbbfft.
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