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  • hahaha once in a blue moon i'll update it :3
    hope all is well with youuu. do you have any holiday plans?
    ty everyone for the birthday wishes!!! i feel so special <3 sry for the late thank yous T-T
    OMG! I was just thinking of you again last night when I went for a walk !! The moon was out. <3 Thank you for the birthday wishes u are honestly too kind ;.; I'm sorry for making you worry!!!!!!!!! PMing u now bbu
    What have all of my usernames been? I don't even remember, tbh... ;o; you may know me as Ghostelle, or pinelle, or P e o n y ... what else? orz
    kisssssssss <3333 sorry I'm horrible (for the ten millionth time..!) Idek if you're active on here still, I'll check LINE soon if I can get the guts. Lol
    ILY and hope everything's been well with you!!!!!!!!
    Thank you! Hope you've been well lately - feel free to drop me a line anytime. :blush:
    Thank you! :3
    I wouldn't mind at all! My username is the same as it is here c:
    Yeah I've been quite a few times actually and it's always a lot of fun!! And yeah I'll definitely send pics! I take way too many honestly so it'll be nice to share a few lol :)
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