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  • Ahh thank you! ;u; I'm super busy right now though, is it okay if I get to it later? :)
    I see you are looking for Ruby! I will help :) If I see anyone with her, I will send them your way.
    pshhh I'm totally shameless about the stuff I listened to when i was younger! Honestly I still listen to them!!! (seriously... embarrassing throwbacks surprisingly make great communal studio music XD) What kinda music do you listen to? I don't listen to anything near to what I used to listen to though lol.

    YEAHHH!! I love his catchphrases. That was also a really great episode. I also like the council of ricks episode... hahaha he's so crazy.

    I have a love/hate relationship with Singapore. My roomie grew up there so whenever we go we just crash at her parents place (we're never there for long). It feels like such a sci-fi city it's almost unreal. Like everything seems too clean and fake?? haha. Idk I just feel weird when I'm there. But yeah to visit for a few days is nice and it's an interesting city to walk around!! There's been a recent interest (like bombardment.. so much stuff) in arts and culture there so there's always something to do/see at least.
    haha YESSSS IM TINY RICK! Yeah... there are way too little episodes in a season... it really sucks. I was seriously heartbroken when birdperson died.

    Hahahhaa he's like this folky dude that I used to listen to when I was going through my teenage years. But I never imagined how good he would be live. It was really strange actually... the festival I went to (it was my first "festival" ever... very strange) played all these guys I used to listen to when I was like 16, most of them hadn't really released new stuff so they played a lot of really old songs. So it was a huge throwback. I don't really listen to any of them anymore but it was still nice to see them live.
    Hahaa sameeee I keep quoting it in real life and no one understands me. Tbh I think every episode is bizarre/dark and awesome (and some are tear jerkingly SAD). What's your fave? Sorry for the late reply! I just got back to Malaysia from Singapore... I saw Damien Rice live. It was amazing. It was like I was transported back to my teen years Hahahaha
    I don't remember like, EXACTLY, but I think you hafta roll around in the snow, then start petting the dogs to win that battle on Mercy. ^^
    And I don't remember if I have Steam, but I think I don't. It'd be nice to get an account there though, there are a lot of epic looking games! x3
    Ohh, what part are you stuck at? And yeah, I play Minecraft occasionally, I used to play a lot more on the comp when I was younger though. Btw, if you're a fan of these rpg style comp games, and can handle a little bit of horror thrown in, I HIGHLY suggest playing Ib. I played it to the true end in one night, and it was super awesome.
    That's awesome! I've finished watching Neutral and almost done with Pacifist route. =3 And thank you, welcome to you too! I'm enjoying it here too, everyone's super nice~ <3
    That's awesome! I can't play it yet, but I've been watching people play it on youtube and it's so awesome. I still need to finish watching Rick and Morty, but the ones I've watched I absolutely love. xD
    Hi Peony! ^^- I'm Hunter, Dorian's daughter. When she told me you liked Undertale and Rick and Morty I totally had to meet you. :blush: So, it's very nice to meet you!
    I think you and my daughter would get along famously. I see you love Undertail and have Rick as your avatar. I am going to have her message you if that is okay? Her name is Salad Buns, so you will probably be hearing from her today :)
    It's really cute actually! Just kinda a weird expression he's making and the heart makes it look kinda... Suggestive. :p
    is the Rick in your avatar alright there? looks like an NSFW picture or something lol
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