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  • I do watch it. One of my favourite shows :)
    My fave is Pearl and Steven ofc. If you like that art style then I recommend Bravest Warriors (if you haven't seen it). It's really cute.
    Thank you :)
    I rewatched the episodes again and I became obsessed with the show again lol
    Wargggg good luck! Do you have a lot of other specific things you want in a map besides the river? Like fruit, grass, villagers, etc.? When I made mine I just hoped that I didn't get oranges because they look weird as perfect fruit haha.
    Yeahh, snow in AC is not like it is in real life...there's no mushy gross period :p

    Do you have a particular river in mind? I plot reset for a while trying to get mine. My first town had a realllyyy straight river and I thought it was nice for "convenience" but it got really boring after a while. I have a very windy one, but short :p
    D'AWWW!!! I'm so happy you had fun!! And omggg ahahaha XD You should post a picture of your dog running around the snow!! I want to see ahahah XD

    Well in the morning we went to a yummy seafood buffet with lots of lobsters with my family and boyfriend!! It was so delicious and the desserts were like the best part LOL <3

    Then we got home around 3pm, took a nap and woke up at 5pm and spent the evening with my boyfriend's family and ate turkey and mashed potatoes and etc ahaha then around 7pm we went Black Friday shopping!! XD
    Haha! It would be a lot of help :3 but I can give you a lot for free too I mean, I just have too many at this point I wanna just get rid of them. I've been TTing slowly every day out of the winter month because I hateeee winter in AC (and in real life). I think I'm the only one who doesn't like it though. I'm like krampus, I didn't even participate in toy day.
    Ohhh! I'm on my 2nd town too :3 I didn't really "complete" my first town but I just got bored of it (and I don't have the heart to reset it because my poor villagers ;_;) let me know if you need any help on your town! I have like a bunch of bush starts I can donate (seriously, like 2 whole museum rooms full of them)
    Haha sweeet! I'm sending a whole bunch of stuff out next week so your package will be in that batch! Hopefully it gets there in time (usually to the US it takes around 2.5-3 weeks :x)

    Have you just started a new town? :3
    YAYY!!! Things are going great!! I've just been busy and out with family since it's Thanksgiving!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU TOO <333 How was your thanksgiving?? :D
    Ah sorry I've been away! But it came yesterday and I got home today and tomorrow I go to my boyfriends for the weekend so I can FINALLY PLAY IT Hahahahahahaha. So I'll keep you updated! :D

    Hope you've been having a good week!
    I was lucky enough to refresh as soon as the shop opened, so happy about my cute lil baby egg! Did you manage to get anything lovely?
    Omg nice!! Sleep is always good!! I'm glad you slept well!! <333

    I think it's the equivalent to about 30 USD? :p Ahh that's still nice though. Here you can't really get around anywhere without a car (in NY and Seoul I heavily relied on public transport) so I'm enjoying it a lot more now that we can drive to places. Is where you live like that too?

    Hehe thank you, hope you did too! I'll let you know when I mail out your stuff :D Finally have a free moment so I'm going to work on my town nowwww hahah.
    Malaysia is hotttttt lol. I'm sorta used to it since I visit Cambodia a lot... but where I live in Cambodia is by the beach so it's actually quite breezy, whereas here I'm in a congested city and it can feel quite suffocating. But to be fair, I felt the same way in New York so idk, maybe I just feel uncomfortable in big cities, even though that's all I've known lol. There's a lot of beautiful places to see outside of the main city (KL)... like a few months ago I went to Kota Kinabalu, another state in Malaysia, and the mountains and beaches there are so beautiful. So it's nice to know that kinda stuff is just a short (and cheap!) plane ride away! Yeeee I think if I were to go back to the States it would have to be with work or something because I wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise! :p

    Thanks!! The business is going ok so far but I'm hopeful!!!
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