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  • OMG is that Rick from Rick and Morty in your avatar? If it is... That's like my favorite show ever...
    lmao that's exactly what happened to me when I played the demo for the one on Wii U, I was just running all over the place for twenty minutes and couldn't find anything :'/ my brother showed me how to find the monster later but when I did I couldn't kill it hahah

    I think Don't Starve is in the Wii U eshop actually so maybe I will pick it up sometime! It has interesting graphics nd I'm ready to die a lot!!!
    My family never moved on to Playstation, we're a bunch of casuals don't tell anyone :x My sisters have a PS3 now but they just use it to watch Netflix lol and I haven't played Fire Emblem either but I also hear a lot of good things about it, the one on 3DS is really popular but lately I keep hearing older fans criticizing it for turning the series into a "waifu simulator". But there's a lot of hype for the new one - 'Fates' - regardless, might be worth checking out
    AND OHH That's nice!! Did you buy anything? <:

    And I have this Monday off wooo!!! XD
    AWW! ;__ ; I hope your dog feels better soon!! ; v ;
    Here's a small cute story about my boyfriend's dog just now ahaha So he has two boston terriers, one is named Jackie and the other one is named Bella! They are both females! Bella is on the chubby side and her colors are black and white, while Jackie is thin and needs to eat more and her colors are brown and white XD

    So I just finished showering not too long ago and I come back to my room to see Bella on the bed sleeping, and I'm wondering where Jackie could be ahah cause she's normally with Bella or inside my room. So I thought she was probably with Patrick's dad or younger brother. Then half an hour later I heard someone licking their paws and I looked over to Bella to tell her to stop, but it wasn't her. I then saw something move under my blankets and found Jackie under the blankets LOL
    Rarely ahahah XD It's always work for me during the weekends XD
    How about you? <:
    D'AWW!!! I MISSED YOU TOO AHAHA <333 and ahhh <333 I love talking to you on TP! > v<
    Ahhh ahaha I would, but I need to watch over SOTW XD Also I missed talking to you guys on TP :')
    An intro video probably woulda bored me to death too, but at the same time it might be a bit confusing to go in blind hmm. I was lucky to have someone to show me the basic stuff. :p I know it's on sale in the eShop but idk if you're into digital copies. Anyway it seems to be one of those games where you either love it or hate it, lots of people pick it up and discover theyre just not feelin it.

    I'm the opposite! I almost never game on my computer, partially because it's slow and loves to crash all the time. I've heard of Don't Starve and Undertale tho, kinda interested to try those. I'm into RPGs too, especially ones with a lot of customization. *_* I mostly play Nintendo games lol it's what I got started on.
    Yeah I had her in campsite once but passed. I have Stitches pinging to move. I can't decide if I'm going to let him go so I closed my 3DS and will ponder that for a while haha.
    Haha yeah. I'm never quite satisfied with my villagers though and always want to switch some out to meet new ones haha
    Aw thanks! I was actually getting bored of Marshal and Stitches but Marshal pinged me just to tell me how great of friends we are haha. Now I think differently about him XD
    Oh my it's so much fun! Haha. But I'm glad the controller dies every so often... Or I would probably be sick of it already. I hope you're having a good weekend!
    That's exactly what I thought!! lol like forreal, I'm normally terrible at games like that but my brother was really insistent that I get it (he even gave me the money to buy it hahaha) and it's easier to get the hang of than it looks. Although I don't know how anyone plays it using a weapon without a shield, I'd just die constantly if I didn't have one. orz
    What sort of games do you play usually?
    You should give both of them a try. They have a really good story line and the art is really cute :) I usually watch them online on here ~
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