lmao that's exactly what happened to me when I played the demo for the one on Wii U, I was just running all over the place for twenty minutes and couldn't find anything :'/ my brother showed me how to find the monster later but when I did I couldn't kill it hahah
I think Don't Starve is in the Wii U eshop actually so maybe I will pick it up sometime! It has interesting graphics nd I'm ready to die a lot!!!
My family never moved on to Playstation, we're a bunch of casuals don't tell anyone :x My sisters have a PS3 now but they just use it to watch Netflix lol and I haven't played Fire Emblem either but I also hear a lot of good things about it, the one on 3DS is really popular but lately I keep hearing older fans criticizing it for turning the series into a "waifu simulator". But there's a lot of hype for the new one - 'Fates' - regardless, might be worth checking out