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  • Yeah I've been quite a few times actually and it's always a lot of fun!! And yeah I'll definitely send pics! I take way too many honestly so it'll be nice to share a few lol :)
    Ohh swwwt I’ll look those up. I’m thinking of building my own PC, mainly because it will be much cheaper than my usual go-to option which is a mac haha. My Mac is currently still in Malaysia and I have to wait a couple months probably until I can get it shipped to me T_T thank you!! I’m finally going back to Cambodia tomorrow. I’m relieved because I’m homesick haha
    The opening was today and it went great! Haha not too many people but I actually preferred it because I hate talking to loads of people during openings. Ahh omg it is such an amazing game. Honestly one of the best open world RPGs I have ever played... I can just get lost exploring the world before even attempting to do the main quests/storyline. This is nootttt good that i bought this game right after being unemployed lmao. Ahh what you playing on PC? I miss Pc games but my computer is too slow for games :<
    Hahahah I can only imagine what kind of stuff would show up for playing something called Dream Daddy ! Pbbfft. That name sounds really familiar though, what kind of game is it? :O

    Yeah I can walk around now but still not very well RIP I'm back to work on Thursday and I'm legit looking forward to it as sad as it is, I just wanna be moving around again *__* Don't worry I have been sponging your healing vibes lolol I just really did a number on myself this time ! And u may just change ur tune about clowns once u see my smart-looking fellow..! /keeps being lazy af

    Hope you're having a nice night xoxo ily !!!
    That sounds fun!! I haven't been up to much besides work actually haha, but I'm going to NYC in August so i'm hoping it won't be too hot! I'm definitely a fan of cooler weather too, but i'll be going to the beach when i'm out there so a little heat will be okay! ;)
    ME EITHER MY LUV! I'M SORRY FOR MY DELAYED RESPONSE, honestly i'm not on tbt much these days, do you have discord or anything :blush: ?? if not though i will just remember to pop on here more though! I'M DOING OK, i'm also dying from the heat ahah, altho i prob shouldn't complain, compared to most places here isn't hot at all! HOW'RE U THO, U LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER LAST TIME, are you still enjoying your job (i hate mine i'm a second away from quitting) U GOT SUMMER PLANS, TELL ME EVERYTHING
    YAY <3 sorry I haven't been very stalkable, I ended up needing to take the whole week off so I've been in like permanent nap/watch youtube mode looool I still havent even taken a vid of my cool clown for you! >:0

    KISSUUUUUU ps that's a lie cuz the heart is a muscle and you have the biggest one around :cool: /shot
    I’ll let u know after the show!! It’s in a new gallery space in Taipei so we’re the first to use it. I hope a lot of people come :’D dude today I went out and got a Nintendo switch! I’ve been playing BOTW for like 5 hours straight.. I’m hooked hahaha. Do you still play any games?
    Heya!!!! I'm doing great, how are you?? Glad to see you on here every now and again! :)
    Yeah!! The first maybe week was okay.. but maybe because of the language barrier (and the food is so oily and greasy I cannottt) but I really miss home. At the end of the residency is our art show and that’s coming up on the 4th of July. I just finished up all the artwork for it last night and we hung the show today :> but to answer your second question, despite missing home.. cambodia always gets a little suffocating after a while. After I quit my job I was only there for a month before leaving again so it wasn’t too bad, haha. I’m traveling again in July for another freelance, so far I haven’t spent much time there. I need to see my finances and get a new job but I really want to move into my own apartment soon.
    Wow time really flies! I`m doing fine, life`s pretty uneventful though ahaha^^ I spent yesterday with my close family:D
    That’s good to hear! I’m the same really. I actually just quit my job but I’m in Taiwan doing an art residency. So I moved back home to Cambodia. :’D
    AHHHHHH WHAT A LOVELY SURPRISE SEEING YOUR VM! totally made my morning hehehe. how're you doing my luv?! i hope everything is super well with you! :blush:
    whoa, I haven't been on here for forever, I legit couldn't remember my username or password... rip
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