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  • I was gonna buy u a rose but I forgot they went out of shop after the 14th (。┰ω┰。)
    Yooo you too ^_^ no, no plans. Probably will just be sitting at home reading webtoons T_T I fly back to Malaysia on New Year's Day so I probably won't even stay up. How about yourself? :>
    I've been dead of a headache all day but I was delighted by the smoolch (/ v \) lool hope u had a nice day bbu!!
    bahaha I know right, steal away :cool: I still enjoy posting silly things on your wall even if u don't log in much to see them!
    Ooh yeah I definitely need to start thinking about getting x mas presents.. !! My friends and I in our usual secret santa circle are planning a trip to Japan sometime in may so we all agreed to get each other reallly cheap things so we can save up XD how's everything at work? :3 I'm going home a couple days before the holidays now so I still have some time!! Will you be going anywhere or doing anything special during the holidays? You should treat yourself!! >3
    SARAH <3 I'm good!!! Just taking care of some end of year stuff and getting ready to go back home for a while. I haven't been active on here much lately, it's good to see your message! How have you been? :3
    omg tbt just gets dead-er! but ok that makes sense hahaha I may occasionally post stuff on yr page anyway.. old habits ( ` ω ´ )
    I lived..! haha I can't load ph on the gamepad though so I have 2 say goodnight here. sleep well !!!!!
    omg i love hirunaka no ryuusei but i was def team mamura don't h8 me (such a good manga tho)
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