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  • i think the closest ive had is just fresh mozzarella on a caprese salad but id give burrata a try
    Hahaha ik, as soon as I closed out of the thread it said u posted! we were both drawn by the exciting topic of shoes in the house... :p

    & she's 10 today /dies/ I could honestly cry when I think about it. T.T It's so easy to remember when she was a baby. Ya I think we had every green character there was hahaha kids are so crazy, I love them but I could NEVEEEEERRRRR have my own good god I have nightmares about that ish!!! the relief when I wake up is intense.

    OMG I knew there was something familiar about Palutena!! She even has a big staff what the heck! I never made the connection before.. she's like 100x cooler to me now thanks 8)

    been writing a reply to ur other msg but i'm being slow as usual, is that a Libra thing? I'm just gonna say that it is.. lol
    LOVE U TOO!!
    yush those are for laudine c: and yeah i still have a chance at bucket so crossing my fingers! mostly (social) insurance and stuff but yeah hate being on the phone etc..

    aww man .. might go try them on here unless they look to pj pants on me im def getting it
    I did! B> it's my niece's bday today so they were both over yesterday being hilarious. They always want to play Smash Bros but the way they play it is just weird, like we all had to pick green haired characters (Palutena, green haired Lucina and green haired Robin) so we could be a "green haired family" lmao

    miss u and love u too!!!
    oo congrats! been busy with fair, still hoping i can maybe win a tetris otherwise i will just blow most tickets on the lineart raffle i think haha. (i'll be up to 49 otherwise so yeah can't get all 3 critters if i don't unless i save up lots of bells heh)

    yeah been dealing with paperwork and people in general so kinad exhausting but i will survive i hope haa. also i so need those patchwork pants man1
    :O I always thought Spewpa was oddly cute in x/y! The colorful little squares on it are so neat. But I never liked Vivillon much. ;v; Spewpa deserved better lol

    My entry doesn't have a lot of votes and I probably won't catch up enough to get enough for the restock for placing top. But it's ok, if they open them up for everyone I'll just try to be quick :'D Not like I have a life right now being back home lmao. Aw mooo allergies suck!! Got any plans this week or are we both going to be recovering from random attacks of sneezing lmao
    Haha yes!! My mom did make kimchi chigae :p we brought our own kimchi all the way from Korea. Thank you~~ I'm feeling better already so maybe it's a dust allergy or something. Haha thank youuuu but last time I checked I wasn't doing so well! I think once I get my last tickets from the events I'll just wait patiently for the restock. Hehe
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