Ugh the 3DS browser is so worthless. The Wii U one is slightly better but still pretty bad. Although the laptop is barely a step up, I have to turn on TBT undercover mode just to reply to VM's hahah otherwise the animation from the forum banner + the flashing usernames makes me lag too much /dies/ even with undercover on it's still trying to overheat.
I definitely know that feeling, no need to apologize!! I got u, dw about about me <33 & thank you, I'm ok now, the difference when I woke up today was almost jarring lmao it's sooooo nice to wake up without muscle tension I go into disbelief for a second.
Why do the normal pkmn have to be so useless rip!! they're so cute. It's just like the normal villagers all being adorable but having the most dull personality. Although some of the normal pkmn got #blessed by that fairy buff. Especially Jiggly+Wiggly, they were like literally unusable before fairy typing