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  • Aw no but it's so you <3 that's good to hear! Bad news is I'm catching a cold now lmao. I'll be here for a month so still some time. Already going a little crazy though. I think I need to work or I get too restless -_- thank you!! I love how the colour transitons through the feathers/flowers :'D I planned to get the glam feather if I could nab it during restocks and then have another pink flower in front!! But I don't think I'll be able to, they are so expensive o_o
    I can kind of tell based on your avatar and sig combo aesthetic and the -stelle at the end heh <3 but I had to look at our previous convos just to make sure I wasn't chatting up some random person ;D how are youuu?
    its ok person i have not met before, i think the internet is to blame for that one
    omg bun!!! this is a great name I love it. B)) I also noticed you're not invisible anymore haay

    tysm for the coffee I needed that, I've been half asleep since I got up. Little known fact but that is how I pour my coffee every day… just all over the place…. as it should be.

    Aww poor doggy, I hate when they have to get shots. T.T I'm glad he's ok though!! I can only imagine how annoying it would be to have a big inflatable collar on lol tell him he has my sympathies!

    sorry I'll reply to the other vms in a bit, I still feel like I could go back to bed zzzzz @@ but I got a pizza last night so I've had cold pizza all day turn up!!! hope ur day has been good bb <33
    lol true, though the novelty wears off when you've got greasy fingers and need to pick up a fork again
    oh my gosh ur too fast for me hahah and my computer, it's being so slow right now I wanna slam dunk it right into the garbage.

    A lunch meeting sounds a little intimidating aaaaa but that's ok girl u can do it! Knock their socks off. :cool:
    Aw poor Momo x> I thought of getting one of those but I don't think Tuco would even let me put it on, he's a nervous sort..

    my morning is pretty decent so far, but it's smoky again so I'm stuck inside boooo.. I'll concentrate on sending you positive and confident vibes★⌒ヽ(●’、^●) xoxo

    what do u wanna change your name to btw? haha
    good morning!!
    We ended up playing a ton of Metroid Prime 2 instead of Mario. My older nephew is so much like my brother when he was little it's eerie. It's actually his first day of school ever today too omg /sobbing T____T my sister said he was asking her "why are some kids bullies?" haha and she was said "I don't know, cuz they're losers I guess" and he was like "If someone did that to me, I'd put my fist in their body" LOL he's so cute it's ridiculous

    Sailor Pluto is so cool, I loved how she was like an older sister or something to Chibiusa. Uranus was my personal fav

    always found it funny that lip gloss was part of their transformation lol like whoops I'm about to fight.. gotta put on my magical lip gloss

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