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  • maybe if it were "god's hill. with plants." i'd feel a little better about it.
    good morninggg!! <3 I can't remember my dream now but I think it was interesting.. lol but I woke up with a headache again so I'm gonna wait for that to go away a bit before I try 2 write anything. @@
    although I will say ripple dipple is funny now that I know what u mean!!! hahahah I don't know why I didn't realize that to begin with, I thought it was some reference that was just whooosh going over my head

    Hope you're having a nice day so far~ did u catch some good z's???
    i feel that way whenever someone recommends a show to me. like i'm sure its great and all but unless it catches my interest somehow i have trouble paying attention to it.

    makes sense, i can relate to struggling with my ice powers but i've never been a princess, so.
    It really is a lot of nonsense, you have to first find a person with the clothing item u want and then just pray 2 god that it's what they offer to sell you when you say "I love your outfit" or w/e. They offer you a different clothing item every day so u can save a person to VIP list and spend weeks trying to get one item off of them.. but if they don't allow themselves to be registered as VIP that's just toooo bad for you, you'll have to find someone else with the clothes u want!
    /ramble this is basculin all over again

    I can only be photographed in certain lights.. at certain angles.. from certain distances lool I can't trust anyone else to take a picture of me X.X

    and pastel blue/pink is my favorite combo tooooo!!! :0 I literally custom painted my wardrobe in those colors ! I could have everything blue n pink and never get tired of it haha
    ok so maybe it's not happier LOOL hahah x'>

    Nah it's not compromised I guess, it just told me my account had been locked when I tried to log in because someone was trying to log in from an unfamiliar location, so once I verified it wasn't me I had to change my pw. I hope it was just some spam thing or whatever cuz it really did kind of creep me out. ;-;

    oooo the vanilla one is amazing! It looks delicious. >D (i'm hungry lol)
    and plz omg (つω`●) I used to take a lot more back in the day so I guess I just try a little too hard to moderate now hahah
    what the heck is a ripple dipple!!
    I KNOW!!! I was blown away by how stupid it was once I found out lolol you can get clothes from the other versions through Festival Plaza once you rank up enough but even that process is incredibly frustrating and awful. I eventually got all the stuff from Sun that I wanted that way but omg.

    and loool it's so true too @.@ I'm lucky if I get 1 picture of myself I like out of 100!!!
    OMG no way! that was for whomst'ever in Fremont, CA was creepily trying to log into my stuff, I would like them to leave me alone hahahah not you <333 never you!! yeah I took an advil earlier, it's not too bad of a headache so it seems to be working for once. :> Usually I take one and it like, does nothing lmao
    & thank u for your concern ♡♡

    there's more than one?? /screams what does the vanilla one look like!! :0c That's so cool someone gave it to you for free too! Maybe they could tell how supa sweet u are ;DD

    Yesss that's what shiny Tapu Lele really looks like I want it so much ! But I have to wait for Nintendo to release it in an event I guess blah. And I really just have too much free time bahahaha and egg hunting is slightly less tedious in S/M because now you can take an egg from the daycare worker even if your party is full, so you can just fill up like a bunch of boxes with eggs n hatch them at your convenience. 8)
    Ah that sucks, hopefully you´re feeling better now!
    Ideally I would like another feather, one of the game chara collectible (maybe Invader), and the fair patch.
    Well the rad feather is sure pretty, but it might sell out before I get the tix:lemon:(18 tix currently)
    I already got the sweet feather so I`m content haha:D Which collectibles would you like?
    ty for the suggestion but I don't actually have a phone right now rip @___@ it's on my list.. kind of an important thing 2 have. lol
    I didn't know Vulpix was a Sun exclusive either until it was too late. Woulda got Moon anyway though haha but you know what was *really* annoying is that they decided to make version-exclusive clothing colors, so literally all the pink stuff is on Sun. Every time I went to a shop all the clothes were either blue or green or purple and I didn't know why and it was just buggin the hell out of me like WHY ARE ALL THE CLOTHES SO UGLY…. little did I know all the good stuff was on Sun. I still don't understand how they could think that was a good idea. lol
    and that cupcake koala is too cute!!! *o* the name you gave it awww hahah so precious :'D Why doesn't Komala have a cupcake instead of a piece of wood! /shakes fist at nintendo

    Shiny Horsea is pretty sweet, I have a shiny Seadra from chain fishing but I would've rather had Horsea. :T I went beserk with masuda method hatching shinies in Moon so I've almost run out of shinies to hunt at this point x.x it's probably a good thing they always "shiny lock" legendaries now or I'd probably try soft-reseting for some haha like shiny Tapu Lele!

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