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  • honestly i just have trouble watching movies, it comes down to not wanting to commit myself to this movie for the next 2 hrs lol

    did you get to the movie by the time everyone overhyped it maybe? and i'll keep that in mind, maybe i'll stash that away for the mext time i get sick lol
    huh what how come! is it because my acc was compromised?? hahah (sorry I was gonna reply on there but I got a bit of a headache ;; didn't mean to worry you bbu ! I'm still a little achy so if I'm extra slow I blame it on that lol)
    Oh yes I do, and I hope you do too:D I also entered all 3 contests, but not sure what I´ll spend the tickets on, all the collectibles look shiny and awesome, some are/will be sold out, so it makes the choice easier I guess;)
    There's a ton of ghibli movies on my "things i should probably watch" list, I've only seen Totoro and that was not bad.

    I'd give Moana a try, I saw part of Big Hero Six and that was not bad. I think Justin probably killed any chance of me watching Frozen with his constant Frozen references for like 4 months, though.
    not your cup of tea? i think i've always kinda liked animation in general but most of the western ones are geared more towards kids and for some reason that means 10,000 goddamn musical numbers
    yeah they are super into snooping packs here lol D:

    i will thanks <3 not much left except for some shading and making making a frame arpund it ^^
    no idea, mail just suck here especially if you get cheaper stuff that should cost more D: o well feeling better about my art so hope i can finish it!
    I thought it was pretty good, my brother doesn't watch a ton of anime and he wouldn't shut up about it
    thankkkksss <3

    it's a black new nintendo 3ds model, although i won it real cheap because of scratchy back/front plates and a missing stylus haha ^^ customs probably thought it was fishy bc the low price
    there ya go hope u like it man c:

    also woot got my new ninty 3ds today after customs held it for ages lmao ;;
    I hope.. thanks for encouraging me, I was pretty unsure about my tech and idea because I knew it'd probably look a bit. doodly but hope I can get accepted ^^;
    aww thanks ;; i hope they don't think it's a joke entry lol.. .that smol nes with a turt playing it took some time, gdi my hands hurt lol
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