I'LL TRYYYY I always lose track of time and end up sitting here way too long ;A; I need like…. an egg timer lol
That's pretty cool, taking your tonsils out like boosted ur immune system?? 8D I wish I hardly got colds but I'm always guaranteed at least 2 or 3 bad ones during the year.. when I was in highschool I would always get them during breaks. ALWAYS. I'd be just perky enough to get around again when it was time to go back. -____-
Yesss def!! At least that's what I believe .. >

Hahah but I mean it's a rabbit (Usagi=rabbit), long ears like pig tails and it's wearing 'boots'. Its shiny is pink which is Sailor Moon's signature color AND one of its abilities is "Klutz", which is a completely useless ability there's no reason to give it that unless ur trying to reference Usagi who is clumsy……. /Lopunny conspiracy theorist/ LOL
but yea I know what u mean, it's really too bad they had to make her like, furry bait. X_X Mega Lopunny is even worse hahaha