/screams omg tell me about it, I make some soup and come back to a wall of Chao from you! 8'D <3
haha let Idris' singing give you an extra boost throughout the day! : D (I skipped jimmys parts lmao) & you had me going there for a second w/ the voodoo doll, I was like "oh that explains it then" HAHA ;D thank you bb today feels much better already ♡ let's both do our best!!
I've seen Chocobos but never knew what they were exactly lol I remember the characters riding them in the opening cinema from FF III maybe?? there's so many FF's I don't know. @o@ but I always thought they were cute!
omg yes I love alien couture, like check out this sweet hat https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/401035827/new-glow-in-the-dark-alien-head-baseball (I'm always shopping on etsy it's a problem rippp)
haha let Idris' singing give you an extra boost throughout the day! : D (I skipped jimmys parts lmao) & you had me going there for a second w/ the voodoo doll, I was like "oh that explains it then" HAHA ;D thank you bb today feels much better already ♡ let's both do our best!!
I've seen Chocobos but never knew what they were exactly lol I remember the characters riding them in the opening cinema from FF III maybe?? there's so many FF's I don't know. @o@ but I always thought they were cute!
omg yes I love alien couture, like check out this sweet hat https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/401035827/new-glow-in-the-dark-alien-head-baseball (I'm always shopping on etsy it's a problem rippp)