aaAAAA sorry for the extra slow replying!! I'm spending too much time on the fair stuff. I'm so glad I didn't sign up for the pkmn and smash tournaments haha i'd be dead by now
I have 2 confess I don't actually know what vaporwave is, a quick look at the wikipedia article makes me think it might be something I would like, as I also have a fascination with 80's music styles.. lol what's some vaporwave groups (idk if that's right) that you like?? :0
Haha I remember my sister being excited how all the clothing styles from the 90s were coming back! now you can find it in stores and stuff I guess. I wasn't that young during the 90s but I still barely remember it anyway rip I get a chuckle out of "only 90s kids will remember" posts cuz like, nope I don't hahahaha
I never knew how to do the MissingNo glitch until years later when I looked it up and tried it.. pretty cool but I was too scared to save after so it was pointless.