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  • I stole that line from a Fleetwood Mac song shhh
    they spell your name wrong but it's still cool B)

    I'm corny I know but I just didn't trust everyone else all saying they wanted the sweet feather too! (┛ ・`д・´)​┛lolol now u have one I can relax.
    this gave me a pleasant bit of deja vu too.. weird that it's been a year already! A collectible is a small way to say it but I am so grateful for you and your friendship! •̀ ω •́
    how are you this morning! :3c I saw your pixel and it's super cute idk what you mean!! that pika<3 I still need to do that event myself, I finally can now that I'm done with the main paint bucket thing (´〇`)ノ
    what'd you do for the retro drawing? I still haven't started that, all my ideas are dumb so I don't know if I'll even do anything for it but I want the participation tickets. ;_;
    Aww :< maybe it's the heat messing with your sleep?? I know it was really screwing with me last night, I was so tired but it was hot af so it still took forever to fall asleep x.x
    and loool I'm glad you enjoyed the gory pic, I ate that one just to make sure I made something edible before I tried to feed it to anyone else hehe :x ty! they actually turned out pretty decent!

    omg yessss togepi and pikachu are so cute ;o;
    aaAAAA sorry for the extra slow replying!! I'm spending too much time on the fair stuff. I'm so glad I didn't sign up for the pkmn and smash tournaments haha i'd be dead by now

    I have 2 confess I don't actually know what vaporwave is, a quick look at the wikipedia article makes me think it might be something I would like, as I also have a fascination with 80's music styles.. lol what's some vaporwave groups (idk if that's right) that you like?? :0
    Haha I remember my sister being excited how all the clothing styles from the 90s were coming back! now you can find it in stores and stuff I guess. I wasn't that young during the 90s but I still barely remember it anyway rip I get a chuckle out of "only 90s kids will remember" posts cuz like, nope I don't hahahaha

    I never knew how to do the MissingNo glitch until years later when I looked it up and tried it.. pretty cool but I was too scared to save after so it was pointless. :p
    Awwww thanks you so much
    It might not be your special day but also have a wonderful day for you
    your cool vaporwave stuff should be fine btw I saw a lot of different avatar/sig sets in the thread and the only ones that didnt get tickets was because they were over 250 px, the theme is pretty broad. Yours is really awesome, what's it from? o:
    I REMEMBER THE DAYS OF INSTANT LOADING they seem so long ago now….. i was a younger man then…….. still had a full head of hair……. lmao
    The stuff that's considered retro now just kills me I feel like it's all aged too rapidly ;A; so you actually got started on the first gen of pkmn? :0 you beat me I didn't have a game until second gen

    I wasn't even planning on going to bed right away but I really underestimated how tiring it was to do six billion things at once x'> Thank u for the sleep wishes they helped me clinch a gr8 rest!! Are you sleeping any better lately btw? I hope your sleep hours aren't all screwy still!

    and hopefully voodoo jr is hungry I have a fridge full of kirbys now bahahaha x.x anyway good morning!!!!
    Yeah, I think the newer ones lost their "pixel charm", and I prefer to spend my game time with games like Animal Crossing and Flight Rising^^
    Ah thank you<3 I like yours too because "game over" haha >.<
    I`m a fan of the older Kirby games, (but I don´t like the newer ones, it´s not the same feeling anymore).
    I need to go climb into a crypt at the bottom of the ocean for a few hours after that marathon of cupcake shenanigans so i'll write back l8r bbu, just wanted to send u this cuz your voodoo doll finally got a picnic 8D
    ew it is lagging again, my laptop just overheated n died trying to handle it

    hhhh ikr i hated to have to change my aesthetic again after I finally got it how I wanted it!! lol I love yours though. Pokémon Tower was legitimately spooky *.*
    yes plz I will send you all my cupcakes I'm probably not even gonna eat any I can't believe I did this just for sweet sweet tickets bahahaha
    I'm doing p good today myself 8)) /totally didn't solve the mirror already :lemon: lol u can do it bby !! and that is one of my favorite pictures of pikachu <33
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