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  • how are you today?? : D ur lucky you got back just in time for the FIRST MIRROR !!!!!!! >:)
    YAAAY welcome back!!!

    u don't know how hard it was to not be annoying and spam you pointlessly lmao
    15 is pretty good! Final Boss feather has the least so I think a lot of people are gonna go for that first. idk I'm trying to be confident cuz I still want like all of the sweet feathers LOL
    omg yes I've been participating in the fair it's been eating all my time, I just finished baking for the cooking event @@ waiting for the cupcakes to cool off now so I can frost them, idk who I'm gonna feed 24 cupcakes to after this mess
    I'll tell everyone not 2 buy any feathers until ur back ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) shouldn't be hard the shop isn't up yet
    Aaaaaa have lots of fun on your road trip bb!!!! ❤❤❤ xoxoxo safe travels !
    Everyone have a wonderful fair! c: likely won't be able to respond to VMs/PMs for a few days~
    it's so perfect </3 the fair shop doesn't seem to be up yet though, I need to see how much ticketss... and if it has like 5 stock i'm gonna die
    omg i was just about to msg you to say the fair is live. SWEET FEATHER! * .*
    and YEAAAAA FAIR HYPEEE °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° I hope they start it before I fall asleep aaaaaa!! crying at the hype train LOOL and that skeletor pic!! x>
    and you lost your page dominance while I was gone ripperoni
    I wish I could say not, but we definitely do have them. ;/ They're not as open about it as the groups in the US seem to be though.. it's weird it's like whenever something happens in America then they suddenly get bold again for awhile: http://globalnews.ca/news/3670776/white-nationalist-groups-canada-on-the-rise/
    so whenever someone comments on something happening in the US w/ that "oh I'm glad I live in Canada where this doesn't happen lel!" I make the angriest face hahah there is still so much racism in Canada.. the attitude towards first nations ppl is pretty gross in a lot of places, people think we like, free-load off the government because we don't have to pay taxes for certain things on reserve land -_- (and u don't have to pay income tax if you work on the reserve.. which unfortunately I don't ;.; but you have to have "status" which not every native person does.. the way they determine who gets it is soo stupid)
    Whooo congratulations!! ☆ ~('▽^人) Where are you gonna apply? :D I hope u get it..! I hate anything to do with job stuff, I'm not even particularly anxious usually but anything to do with jobs it's like I start dying inside instantly LOL good luck bby!!!!

    hmm I think you would like HG/SS! Aside from the cute walking Pokémon mechanic it's just an excellent game.. the only one to feature two regions (You get to go to Kanto after beating the League *o* so you can actually get 16 badges it's rad), and it doesn't have 50 million hours of cutscenes like Moon does.
    HAHAH you got me I have tossed a lot of Chao in my day! OTL breaking their eggs was the only way to get the spiky teeth if they weren't a dark chao (I think the dark chao all get spiky teeth but I carn't remember exactly..) and yea it was really weird honestly but sooo fun and addictive lol
    btw there was even a ghost 'animal' (can't remember what it was exactly haha) u could give them that would take away their legs and give them a lil ghost tail
    and literally if I catch any white nationalists in the streets they're getting a smackdown I'm 100000% serious. Be safe bby. :c I've been catching up with what's going on down there & it's disgusting ugh. Yes pls come to Canada! Then you can experience the chao garden for real and not just listen to me ramble on about it! (๑˃ᴗ˂)
    and loool the doctor chao! That was a real face your chao could have too (I forgot to mention that their permanent expression was determined by how u hatched their egg! You could like, cuddle it or pitch it at a rock wall LOL so many possibilities) there's def something up with the Chao sitting in the chair too omg his eyes!!
    lmaaooo I love how he's a skeleton but he's like, ripped /dead and it was an 80's cartoon so the spandex was a must!! ;p doesn't explain He-Man's haircut though LOL

    yeah the trailer didn't exactly blow my mind but I figured it wouldn't after the anti-climactic reveal of Rockruff's "new form" (orange recolor of its midday form smh). Pokémon following you is the only thing that could really save it at this point.. did you ever play the Gold/Silver remakes? They had the pkmn walk with you in that one too and it was SO GOOD T.T and they had this thing called a Pokéathlon where you could play little minigames as your pkmn since they all had their own overworld sprites, even the shiny versions aaaa

    I'm having the most lovely day already now bb thank u ; v;b ily! you have the best day too girl <333
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