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  • Well now I despise real life pears with an intense passion lol. just don't like when I see fruit with veins in them. I have had apples with veins in them and no just no.
    D'aww but pears are the best Animal Crossing fruit ever like seriously. I don't know anyone that eats them in real life though lol, but in game they are amazing!

    What you got against the awesome pears?
    Well, if I can get a friend, most of my friends drive, so that would fortunately eliminate the bus.
    Baltimore to NY. It goes both ways, of course. Total of $60. I'm trying to get a friend to go with me though.
    Well, I'll have to talk to a friend but it starts at 9am and it's a 4 hour bus ride. Sadly, I can't drive.
    I'm hoping. Everything looks like it'll work out except for getting a ride to and from the Baltimore station.
    I have only just gotten to the second town and found out kroakodile (idfk if that's right) has taken all the water fountain magic beans! But I'm really diggin' it! It just laugh so hard seeing them run around! It's a lot of fun!
    I made my first plushie last January, but this is only my third, and first AC plushie. It was also my most elaborate one yet cause I had to make three separate stuffed parts to sew together(The head, beak, and body). Notice I only had red thread too. I want to make Frappe soon, but I'd need to go out and get some felt.

    Anyway have a fantastic Mother's Day!
    GAH! The hype got to me so I let it all out into this Egbert Plush I made. Whew!

    Anyway, how is your weekend going?
    Hi, Lovie, I have another quick question for you!
    I saw on swapnote that you got the Perfect Guidebook (the blue one) from Japan... is that the one with the Villager profiles? Like, their name, house picture, etc?
    Thank you~ :)
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