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  • Ok, thanks :) I will contact you when I have the money, but I'd like to buy all of these items. But for our previous trade, I'd be available now. My town or yours?
    It's really no problem :) But tomorrow I'll be more busy again and in 12-13 hours I'll be asleep. But I hope it'll work out somehow on the weekend. As for the pricing, it's not as high as I thought it would be, since some of them are priced really low :p For all of them I got 3'200'000, is that correct? (I calculated the bamboo grass twice). But how much would one respectively six tricky pitfall seeds get me? And also how much do you want for the Throwing beans, Good luck sushi roll and Sparkling cider?
    I managed to get a hold of Fang, and i compiled a list of all the gyroids i have. im about to go to sleep now, but next time im on, we can set something up
    hey yuki!! c:
    can you deliver a message to CW for me? ;u;
    i just want to know if she doesn't want Flurry, i'd love to have her cx ty ty ty
    i remember she's going to get rid of her for apple, but i'm not sure if i remember correctly.
    I saw that you sell unorderables in another thread and was wondering how much I’d have to pay for all of these items: +Throwing beans, Good luck sushi roll and Sparkling cider. (And maybe even two of the bamboo grass) I have 6 tricky pitfall seeds and no money whatsoever. But if you name your price I would start to work on that goal ☺ And I also wanted to ask why you want so many pitfall seeds, you don’t have to answer of course, I was just so curious.
    Oh I'm so sorry baby.. I'm sick to xD And mine is amazing! Today is my last day of school!! And hopefully I can get Jacques plotted correctly before you come! xD
    Lol i feel bad for her, shes already had to have at least two people not want her, and charlise is a villager not many people like anyways, but i think shes kind of cute in a weird way, so i want to find someone who does like her so she doesnt have to go back to the void. Im trying to use tumblr to find a home for her too but no luck there
    I've added you! My fc: 1521-4256-3791 .. also I'm just going to give you 600 tbt since it's easier and not a weird number. :)
    Yay :) someone on here seems interested in taking her, but they are offline atm. Hopefully they get back online or will be on tomorrow night so they can adopt her, i dont want to stall your friends cycling for too long
    Nvm, charlise pinged to leave, yay! I really want to find her a home though, and not sure how long that might take since shes not very popular. I dont want her voided again
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