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  • Just visited Nook Homes in my town today, and I saw a Sweets Roof! I just need the fence, so just VM me when you're ready :)
    great :) do you also happen two have two spare purple pansies? I've grown tired of trying to breed them myself. And what would you want in return for them?
    Sorry! I was having dinner but now I'm back. Please let me know when you are free :)
    Sorry I couldn't get the sweets exteriors yesterday, I already went to sleep. I know it probably changed the selections now at Nook Homes shop, but if there's still the sweets exteriors I'd be happy to do it right now.
    Ok, then I'm relieved! :) But I don't recall looking for cute music players, maybe it was another person. Thanks for asking anyway. The items I'm actually looking for are the festive candle and festive flag. You don't happen to have those by any chance? I would happily trade those for hybrids!
    Hello Redtropicalfish~
    That's no problem at all. I try to get online at 12pm your time but it shouldn't be a problem! See you soon~
    It was a turkey and a fedora chair. But when I checked with the alt character who should have my versions of them, I didn't find those two items. So it got me thinking if I just stored it with the wrong character. So tell me if you're missing those two and if not I have some serious tidying up to do xD
    I made a new signature since my old one was ugly lol, the new one isnt anything special but hopefully it looks nicer. Going to bed now though, enjoy the rest of your day!
    Nvm, i found the link that showed more paths on the site you linked hehe. I like the circular bricks, but i dont like how they dont have a border on the outside. And the thread i linked has qr codes for the pieces ettienne made, but not for the pieces in the first post (straight pieces and corner pieces)

    And aw, sorry to hear that, hope everyone gets better soon!
    Ty, i love the pink ducks, miranda and freckles <3 such cuties lol. And for paths i want a brick one, preferably brown or tan, maybe with a red or pink tone. I know there are a million brick paths out there but i just cant find any that catch my eye and the ones i do like dont have a qr code lol. I cant read that site lol, and i tried clicking a few links but they dont take me to other qr codes
    Also let me know if you know of any good sites to find path qr codes. Ive looked at some acnl qr code tumblrs and pinterest and stuff but havent found any i really like
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