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  • Yes i made it lol, ty :) and yesterday at work wasnt bad at all. The worst person isnt working there anymore,i guess because so many people complained about them. And im not sure if i want to reserve teddy, because its probably going to take a while for charlise to ping to move. And when she does i really want to find a home for her, because she was a villager i got from someone else void, so she was already voided at least once before
    I'm with my cycling 3ds online :] Already added you~ And thanks <3 I really need to chop down some trees xD
    ik ik but isn't it like 8 a.m. in Japan? o.o how are you up so early?
    crazy yuki

    ohh and i have more tricky pitfalls if you want them ^^
    I have Lolly, but I want Skye, but i can't let go of Lolly ;-;
    I also have Kabuki who I want to replace with Chief or Fang but I love Kabuki too muchhh </3

    and also i found someone who wants Coco! yayyy!
    oh! i meant that i want new villagers haha also do you know anyone that wants coco?
    oh okay~ thank u though
    lmk if u have any other villagers c: i'm getting tired of my villagers </3
    That's so nice, thank you :) Yes, just tell me when you're ready, it's 06:30 PM here, so I'll be up for a few more hours. But tomorrow is fine for me too if you are busy today!
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