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  • Nvm, got freckles hehe :) just teddy and olivia/soleil left~ and to wait for charlise to move out, who knows how long that will take
    I've been super busy with work and trying to coordinate two different trips and clean out my house and stuff. A lot is going on right now lol.
    Ah oh well :( i got someone on here to adopt him. Let me know if you ever see anyone with teddy or freckles moving out :)
    Well, i spoke to nana today for you, she wanted to visit my town. So we went and she ran away because the cockroach :p. Well 11pm-12am is a good time to get to sleep :p . Means you have a healthy sleep rhythm is good :p . Well it is 0:17 am now, i better my teeth brushed and get some sleep xD
    Hey, I just looked through the items you ordered for me and found two non-reorderable DLCs. Did you give me those on purpose? Otherwise I'm so sorry and I'll give them back to you! I seriously didn't look at what I picked up! That must have come off as so rude!
    i'm online o:
    but uhh i think i had someone in my cycling thread who wanted her. I'll link it
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