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  • Yeah, being ill is a bummer! D: I'm rarely ever sick though, so I guess I can put up with it. :) And yes, I loved Captain Toad! It was really cute and fun. It was quite easy, though, but I guess you could expect that since the levels in 3D World were also quite easy. The challenges can be quite hard at times, and the last levels were especially a challenge in comparison! I really enjoyed it though, and I'm glad that Toad finally got his own game. Lots of the levels were based off of designs from 3D World (since they reused a lot of the graphics from that), and I really loved that game, so it was cool seeing how each level had been styled. I definitely recommend it! ^^ And aaaahhh cool! I don't really know too much about Hyrule Warriors so I'm kind of going in blind, I just know that it looks fun!! I'm glad you're enjoying it. And it doesn't matter if you are bad at games. As long as you enjoy it then who cares! :D
    Yeah, there's some really cute and cool stuff on there... Zelink... :blush: !! And ohhh no, school sucks. D: But it's cool that you're still able to go on TBT even in school, at least you've got this place to log into to just chill out on I guess. :) And I'm okay too, but I'm not in school myself actually! I've had the past 2 days off sick (I'm feeling better now though after taking some tablets and resting up), but during that time I managed to beat Captain Toad. I just have 2 more levels which I need to just fully clear (like beating the little challenges they set), then complete the bonus levels, and I'll have 100%ed the game! I also wanna start playing on Hyrule Warriors too. I got it for Christmas, but it's still in its plastic wrapping. D:
    All the Zeldas are so cute, but she is definitely the cutest! Anyway, thank you so much for finding it. That page has so many cute icons... -saves them all-! And ooh, no, I don't usually think to take a look through livejournals and stuff. I know they're great for icons since people use them to RP (or I just use them for forums and stuff ^^), but I didn't really consider there would be fanart on there. I'll definitely be sure to take a look. :) How're you doing anyway? ^-^
    Oh that would be great, thank you ever so much! I might be able to do reverse image searches anyway using it, too. Skyward Sword Zelda = Best Zelda, of course. ;x I hope you have a nice day! ^^
    I love your Zelda avatar. It's so beautiful! She's so beautiful! It looks like she's wearing a flower crown... ;w; <3 Do you have the original fanart for it or not? :( I really love saving tons of awesome Skyward Sword fanart to look at since it's probably my favourite Zelda game. If you don't, that's okay! I'm sure I'd be able to find it somewhere on the internet... Probably! x3
    Thanks a lot for your reply in the "what's bothering you?" thread. :) Tbh I think my problems stem from within myself rather than an actual issue between me and my mom, since I've been having a lot of mood swings in the past couple months. That's probably another issue entirely, and I don't think I'd want to burden you with that haha. But thanks a lot for your offer! It was very sweet of you. :)
    Hey, are you okay? I just noticed that you edited you post in the "What's bothering you?" thread. I didn't get to read it, but I'm sure you didn't sound as bad as you think you did.
    Oooh, nursing sounds cool! My mom's a nurse, but I've never really been terribly interested in it myself. As for teaching, I guess you could always become a nursing teacher if you want later on, but things tend to change once you get into something, I think.

    And yeah, I wanna be a vet! I really love animals and would like to take care of them, especially after I started volunteering at my SPCA. I've also thought about being a forensics scientist or a physical therapist, but forensics probably won't happen since there's a specific major you need (I think it's chemistry), and I don't think it's bio, and I don't think I'd really want to leave bio.

    Also, sorry for becoming some weird career counselor on you, haha. This has been an interesting and fun conversation, though. :)
    Oooh, I get you on wanting to study a lot of things. I wanted to (I still do haha) as well, but in the end I just chose what would be most compatible with the career I want-- although there are a good amount of people who go on to professional schools without majoring in a science, which I think is kind of neat. Do you know what you want to do later in life?

    And oceanography is very cool! Does your school have an earth science class or something like that? We had to take it our freshman year, and it had stuff like oceanography in it. It's a really fun class! If you haven't taken it (if your school has it), you should look into it if you're really interested in the natural sciences.
    I can understand how they'd make you happy! I think it's really sweet that they love each other so much, and it's sounds lame, but I'd like to have friendships like that idk.

    And I really like the sea too! I considered going into marine biology and becoming a marine vet because of it, but not a whole lot of schools offer marine biology, sadly, so I'm gonna stick to regular bio. What about you? Are you interested in marine biology?
    I've never really been super into pirates (I guess because there was really nothing aside from the Pirates of the Caribbean, and I rarely go to the movies), but it'd be interesting to see what other pirate stories are like after watching One Piece. I've always liked that they're not "bad" people even if they're pirates, and I think that's part of why I like it so much.

    Anyway, sorry for rambling about anime haha. I just really like your sig!
    That's cool! I'm actually still not pretty behind too, but I like it a lot more than I thought I would haha.
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