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  • So forget the First Amendment! Your school believes they can over ride the laws! D: I feel really bad for you and the students who do petitions and such... I bet if the parents took this to the media, the school might actually change a few things. xD
    How absurd! :c That's insanely ridiculous. I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to change your AP courses. What if a student was being bullied... or just didn't comprehend what was being taught? Unbelievable! I would totally fight for the student's rights at your school. XD
    Yeah, I know right! Ugh... I don't know. :( Like, I'm just scared that I'm going to have classes with all these people I don't particularly like. Plus, with the SATs...
    Oh, right. Haha, I guess so. :)

    Thank you! It's a ref to my favorite game... Assassin's Creed: Black Flag <3
    Oh wow... ;-; Yeah, unfortunately. :c Plus you have a job and I don't so it's definitely a lot worse for you.
    Oh! Haha, finally meet someone who gets the struggle. Me too! Sometimes, like now, I just can't get myself to fall asleep... & I guess but still. I hope you're able to get enough sleep too! Running on four hours of sleep isn't good. :(
    I wake up early because I take showers in the morning, lol. Pretty much takes me an hour to finish doing my hair and whatnot. 5 AM though... That's even worse than waking up at 6 LOL. :( And 4 hours of sleep?! Insane! I thought my sleeping schedule was bad...
    That's good! I know a few people who work right after school. I don't think I could handle it either.

    Aww, I second that for me as well. :( Hopefully they don't then, haha. Oooh, gosh... That's crazy! I would never be able to get ready in time. I always wake up at 6 and leave by 8:10. How do you think you'll do it? ;-;
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