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  • Thanks! I am feeling better actually--maybe it was your warm wishes ^_^ How are you feeling? :)
    You're not being a downer--I asked :) Sorry you're still not feeling great. I'm not feeling so well either, back is hurting a lot (I had surgery the other day). So I'm a little worn out from that. Otherwise ok, thanks ^_^
    I suppose, yea...idk...yea I think it's probably gore...I can't describe it...there are some movies that fall into the "horror/thriller" genre that I love, and others I'm terrified of...
    oh ok, that I could probably handle then. I'm just not good with horror movies like the ring, etc...or Saw. Those really scare me. But thriller/suspense with a point? idk...I'm weird like that on certain subjects XD
    Yea, there is a story-line in PW series, but you could play the individual games, I suppose. and I like stories as well...they're really important for me to get involved in the game. and no, I haven't heard of that game--what's it about?
    I like text-based games, too. But one of my all time favorite DS games is Custom Robo: Arena, which combines action and text. I can replay that game so many times. It's so fun, though not extremely challenging. I would go for the first one (Ace Attorney) because otherwise you don't have the necessary background. I've played that one. It's really fun. I want to get the next two...idk about Apollo Justice, though. However, I am interested in the one for the 3DS...looks good...-shrugs- who knows heh...the others are rated T but the one on the 3DS is M, so I'm interested to see the difference.
    hmm..ok. Well I might have to check that one out then. Thanks :) I like to look up gameplay on youtube before buying a game, though. Makes things a bit easier. Have you ever played the Phoenix Wright series?
    :D Same. What's your favorite Zelda game? I have Ocarina for 3DS now. It's just so good! I love Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (not as much as the first two) as well...I really want to play Wind Waker because I heard that was amazing.
    :) Awesome! I like your avatar picture btw :p that scene was so funny. I love that movie, too. I's Disney. Who doesn't love Disney? :p
    I think you'd like Pleasantville. And Airplane is a really satirical comedy on an airplane. But it's not overdone. It's pretty good.
    I absolutely love those movies also! :D All of those movies just are so amazing and iconic...they literally changed the face of film. Hitchcock was just such an amazing director. Have you seen Dial M for Murder? It's really good too, but Psycho is definitely one of a kind. They did a recent movie called Hitchcock that revolved around the production of Psycho. It's with Helen Mirren, who I think is a great actress, so you should check it out. I also like musicals like West Side Story and The Sound of Music. Have you seen Pleasantville? I love that movie too...Oh! and Airplane?
    Wow--Stephen King said the movie was BETTER than the book?! That's quite the feat. wow. I'll definitely have to check both of those out. Thanks ^_^ What other movies do you enjoy btw?
    OMG the shower scene. That was terrifying! The scariest scene for me was the balloons in the library, were all just so creepy! And no, I haven't seen any of his films. They just did a remake of Carrie though--I should watch the original right? :p
    I can watch The Sixth Sense repeatedly and it never gets old. It's just a great movie. I got scared the first time I watched it (I was at my grandma's and she didn't know I was watching it) so I had to call my mom to take me home xD I should watch more Stephen King movies too--any suggestions? :)
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