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  • Likewise! :) & That's really nice to hear! How is it at uni? and aw, how lucky!
    I've been pretty good myself. I moved to PA last month, been applying to a bunch of jobs around here, and started studying for this placement test for college (I start in the spring). :)
    Oh no that's really awful, I hope it didn't bring you down too much. Whenever I get ill I end up feeling down and sad, I think it's because I rarely am ever ill so even if I get like a cold or something, I just can't seem to cope with it. I'm glad that you're feeling better though now, that's so great to hear. ^^ I hope your Christmas was nice, too!

    I'm graduating in May, but then I have exams in June, however, I only have to go into school when I have exam, the rest of the time I'll be off just relaxing. I think we have like an official "last day" in July when we all say good bye and stuff and the head prefects at our school pass their responsibility onto year below us but that's it. So I'm feeling pretty excited for it actually! When do you graduate??

    Ohhh no omg, yeah it is so addicting so you'll be able to level up pretty fast again! How'd you lose your save data? And yeah the new stages are really fun! which one is your favourite?
    Ah oh no, why were you sick? :( I'm glad you're feeling better though! That sounds really bad.

    I've been okay though, school has really been dragging me down but I don't have much longer left so I think I can just survive these last few months. I've mostly been playing Splatoon to keep me going which really helps!! aaah it's so addicting ;w;
    Oh, vases are a good start. I love fine arts and traditional arts more than digital, but I'm trying for digital despite my horrid ability to since it's what would bring in money if I was better at it. xD;

    But the commission is on a game, where, we can create our own things, if we so desired and had the talent for, and, takes time to do. Because you can't just be like. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM done. It takes longer than I expect. So, since I've been sick, I've been so drain on the art level, and so I haven't been able to work on it.

    Art blocks are EVIL.
    I meant Noir-sama. I forgot the r. LOL.

    Anyways. I should get back to drawing. Lol. xD I owe a commission for a friend, but it's okay. It's a long term commission until I feel I've finished them.

    But besides that. What are you drawing? c:
    Hello. Looking for people to talk to at this hour. No one likes Noi-sama. >:

    But anyways. How are you tonight?
    I'm gonna try to be more proactive, though, and try some new studying/ note-taking methods, so hopefully everything will be okay. Have you started applying anywhere yet, if you are?

    Don't feel sorry for talking! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so far. And yeah, I think comm is basically a speech class, and I'll be taking a group version, so that'll be nice.
    That's great that you're having fun with it! Idk how AP bio would work online (because of labs), but I know people who have taken science classes online before, so I bet you'd do fine with it. I've been wanting to read more of Shakespeare's plays lately, so I'm probably gonna pick one up sometime soon. I'd like to read one of his comedies, so maybe I'll read A Midsummer's Night Dream or something. Have you read either of those books before? We read Catcher last year! I think I remember you saying you've read it before, but I hope you enjoy reading it regardless.

    I know the feeling. Tbh I feel like I coasted through high school (minus calc and chem last year lol), so I'm a little bit nervous about classes starting as far as studying goes.
    Oh, that sucks that you didn't get to take bio or stats! I never took stats, but I really enjoyed my AP bio class. Lit is pretty fun, too, but I feel like I didn't really learn anything. Do you know what books you're reading this year? And I hope you had fun starting your new classes today!

    Classes haven't started yet, but I'm taking bio and chem (along with the labs) as well with a writing class and a communications class. I'm pretty excited for bio and maybe chem, but I'm kind of nervous about comm.
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