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  • I had to get HeartGold, it was such a special thing to me and I love Ho-Oh too. I have genuinely 0 feeling towards Lugia so I'm not really bothered, haha. you should! don't worry about those other games for now ;D HG/SS are well worth it!

    oh Sun & Moon are absolutely amazing. much much better than X/Y and OR/AS which I'm really pleased about because I didn't really enjoy those two that much. Sun & Moon definitely improve upon and most importantly expand upon the series in some really good ways so they're really worth picking up. I've spent most of my time recently shiny hunting though since I'm done with the game! have you ever done any shiny hunting?
    I agree! HeartGold is absolutely my favourite, probably because of nostalgia given that Gold was the game which really hooked me into the series. I spent so many hours as a young kid playing Gold and without it, I don't think I'd be a Pokemon fan today. when HeartGold came out I was obviously over the moon because it was an even better version of the game I loved so much. I remember when it came out it had this super pretty packaging and looked so so nice. have you been playing Sun & Moon? :O if so, how do you like them?
    woah nice! I've been a huge fan of the series since I first picked up Yellow many moons ago. I got it from my siblings! and it is! it's the main character - i didn't draw it though. what's your favourite game in the series? B)
    Likewise! :) & That's really nice to hear! How is it at uni? and aw, how lucky!
    I've been pretty good myself. I moved to PA last month, been applying to a bunch of jobs around here, and started studying for this placement test for college (I start in the spring). :)
    Oh no that's really awful, I hope it didn't bring you down too much. Whenever I get ill I end up feeling down and sad, I think it's because I rarely am ever ill so even if I get like a cold or something, I just can't seem to cope with it. I'm glad that you're feeling better though now, that's so great to hear. ^^ I hope your Christmas was nice, too!

    I'm graduating in May, but then I have exams in June, however, I only have to go into school when I have exam, the rest of the time I'll be off just relaxing. I think we have like an official "last day" in July when we all say good bye and stuff and the head prefects at our school pass their responsibility onto year below us but that's it. So I'm feeling pretty excited for it actually! When do you graduate??

    Ohhh no omg, yeah it is so addicting so you'll be able to level up pretty fast again! How'd you lose your save data? And yeah the new stages are really fun! which one is your favourite?
    Ah oh no, why were you sick? :( I'm glad you're feeling better though! That sounds really bad.

    I've been okay though, school has really been dragging me down but I don't have much longer left so I think I can just survive these last few months. I've mostly been playing Splatoon to keep me going which really helps!! aaah it's so addicting ;w;
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