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  • Yeah, it does suck to watch a show for so long and to see it get an ending that you (and a lot of people lol) don't like. I was kind of surprised that people were still mad, but I just looked it up and the last episode ended a year ago. It seems like it's been much longer, but I guess it explains why people are still mad.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy Fringe if you watch it! There are a lot of shows I need to watch, and I still need to finish Earthbound Beginnings before school starts, but I'll try starting AHS before then! And YouTube does have some of the episodes, but you have to pay for them, so I probably won't be doing that anytime soon.

    When are you going back to school? And are you excited? I hope you have an awesome year. o:
    That sounds good to me! I was actually planning on starting Gravity Falls last night, but the official Disney site doesn't have a whole lot of episodes at all so I might pick up AHS for the time being. And thank you for the warning! I think I can deal with stuff like that pretty well, but I'll keep that in mind. I've seen a bunch of gifsets on tumblr, too, so I may already know some stuff I shouldn't haha.

    Yeah, it does. Some of it can be pretty confusing (even after I rewatched it last month I was still not sure what certain parts meant), but I don't think it's done in a distasteful or overdone way, so I hope you'll like it! And you're welcome. I'm always really glad when I get someone to at least try something I'm into, though, so thank you for trying it haha.
    Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed in the direction they took their relationship, too. :/ Part of me's glad that they at least stay together, but the cynical part of me thinks it's because they'd have to introduce more lesbian or bi women to pair them off with, but eh. A lot of people were sooo mad about the ending, lmao. I actually found a tumblr where someone was still posting rants about it, so I guess the anger runs deep. If you like Friends, though, there's a good chance you might like HIMYM! I haven't watched it in awhile, though, so maybe it hasn't aged very well. And yeah, Fringe is about people in the "Fringe division" of the FBI! They deal with a lot of supernatural and fringe science stuff, and there's also a lot of exploration re: alternate dimensions/ timelines. It's pretty good if you're into stuff like that, which I think you might be? Haha.
    And wow, I'm really glad you enjoyed them! The darker elements of Utena don't come about in full force until the Black Rose saga, so if you decide then that you're not interested in it, I wouldn't blame you. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though! I hope you like SU when you get to watch more of it, too.
    I've seen a lot of episodes from the last season and also the fifth season, so watching them is kind of a drag, but it's also kind of cool to see what led to things turning out the way they did. Prison Break is really good, but the last season (from what I remember) isn't; I hope you get to watch it soon, though! I'd like to watch the X-Files on Netflix soon, too, since I saw a couple episodes here and there when I was younger. Fringe is kind of like Netflix in a way, but it doesn't revolve around aliens quite as much.

    I've heard that about AHS as well, but I think the good thing about shows like that is that each season is disconnected from the other, so it doesn't ruin your overall enjoyment of the show itself if you don't like one season. It's also a pretty neat way to do a show in general, so I definitely want to start it soon! What's your favorite season so far?
    Aw, that sucks. I think most colleges are different (so long as you don't go to a blatantly conservative school), so I hope things work out for you on that end.

    Yeah, I don't like much of what I've heard about the newer Grey's Anatomy episodes. :/ I was willing to give it a chance because I loved Callie and Arizona's relationship and wanted to see how it developed, but then I found out how it developed and also that sooo many people left, and I just wasn't into it anymore. HIMYM is pretty good, but it's definitely heavily based off of Friends, and the last two seasons are pretty bad (the very last is okay, but I hated the ending lol). And that's kind of how I got into Friends!
    I like all types of stuff, too, I just find it really hard to get invested in series anymore.

    The Americans is really good! It's about Soviet spies who live in the States and have a family and everything, and it's kind of like them trying to juggle the demands of their country vs the demands of their family. The head writer or producer or whatever also used to work for the CIA, so that's pretty cool. And I've been wanting to get into AHS! I heard it's on Netflix, so I'd like to bingewatch it sometime before Hotel comes out.

    Omg have fun! I feel like I should warn you that it deals heavily with stuff like sexual assault and domestic abuse, so if stuff like that makes you uncomfortable, either don't watch it or be really careful with it. I hope you like it if you do watch it though! It's honestly my favorite anime ever.
    Yeah, that makes sense. I think I'd be kind of freaked out living in a bigger city, but they also have gay scenes more than most small towns (except for mine, which is pretty cool), so that'd be a factor lol. I think college is pretty similar though (hopefully). And I don't actually watch a whole lot of TV anymore, but I have been watching Friends on Netflix. I watched Grey's Anatomy while it was airing up till the merger with Mercy West, and then I wasn't the biggest fan. I tried to get caught up with it, but then I found out that pretty much all the beginning characters had left, and I just don't have the heart anymore lol. I'm pretty interested in watching the Supergirl show on CBS this fall, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I've seen bits and pieces of OITNB, but I really need to sit down and actually watch it sometime! I also really liked How I Met Your Mother when it was airing, Fringe, Prison Break (from waaaay long ago).
    Aw, I'm sorry you didn't get to see any plays, but yeah, I bet the building itself was interesting. I wish I lived near a big city, but I guess smaller areas have their charms as well. I would like to go to Colorado or some of the more mountainous states sometime, but I have issues with heights and probably wouldn't be able to stand being on an airplane. Maybe sometime I'll drive out there, though.

    RGU is really worth checking out (at least I think so)! The whole series plus the movie is actually up on YouTube right now, so it's pretty easy/ completely legal to watch. I have a friend who's watching it right now and enjoying it, so I'm pretty pumped haha. And I know what you mean. I really like The Americans but can only really watch it sporadically, and I guess once I go to school I won't be able to watch it at all. What other types of shows are you interested in?
    I'm not very good at keeping up with TV shows either tbh. I think part of it is because of marching band in the fall, and if the shows follow the normal seasonal showings, I've already missed most of them once band is over.

    I hope you enjoy SU! Let me know what you think of it. o:
    I think it's about 15 minutes or so from Charlottesville, so maybe not right near the UVA campus. UVA has a really pretty campus, so if you're ever in the area again, I'd recommend going! It's pretty fun to go when the students are actually out and about, too. And oh, I think I know where you're talking about. Did you see a play there? Yeah, Seattle and Denver do seem like they'd be totally different haha. Denver would be pretty cool to visit sometime-- I'd also like to see the southwest, especially the deserts there.

    There are quite a few anime references in SU, but the one that most caught my attention was Revolutionary Girl Utena! I've seen a lot of art that the staff have done, and it looks like a lot of them are pretty big RGU fans, which is really cool. I don't meet a whole lot of people who like it, but I think it's gaining some popularity because of Steven Universe.
    Oh, that's really cool! Where all did you go in Virginia? I know a lot people stick around NOVA and the other big cities, but the entire state's pretty beautiful IMO.

    I'm planning on watching Gravity Falls and maybe Over the Garden Wall (possibly OtGW first since I think it's shorter, but Gravity Falls is also airing right now and I'd like to catch up). I know a lot of people who like Steven Universe who are also really into those two, and I watched a couple episodes of GF when it first came on, so I'm definitely interested. Are you into any of them? I hope you had fun at the beach! I haven't been there in a really long time, but I've always liked going there because of the boardwalk. I don't think I've ever been to the aquarium there, either, but I hope you had fun when you went.
    Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck with your homework. Where did you get to go this summer?

    Really the most exciting thing I've done all summer is go to orientation, but I'm fine with that. There are some cartoons and stuff I'd like to watch before school starts, and then I'll have band camp and another orientation, so it'll get a little bit more exciting, I guess haha. Have fun at the nature preserve! o: I don't think I've ever really been to one, but I live close to a national park, so maybe that counts? I've been wanting to go to the Baltimore Aquarium for the longest time, too, but I don't think I'll get to go before school starts.
    And yeah my weekend's been good thanks! Mostly been relaxing because I had an incredibly busy week! I was on work experience so I was helping teach Japanese classes at my old school. I'm back there this week too so I'm looking forward to it. Then I had my first shift at work on Saturday, so I was feeling pretty exhausted once I got home from that. xD Hope you've had a nice weekend too~
    Ooh yay! Well if you buy it and read it, let me know what you think of it. I really enjoyed it! :D I should try reading more of her comics. Well when I get paid I can always buy one, although I want to save for Happy Home Designer, and also towards spending money for New York! And a new camera battery, since my current battery just decided to die on me and I can't even switch my camera on. I'm hoping it is just the battery and not the camera itself since it was expensive!!

    Exactly. And then it's like you feel you can both equally appreciate said thing so you can talk about it all day and share the same excitement. It sort of feels like you have a closer bond that way, I dunno. I mean, I don't really have any friends like that anymore, at least not in real life friends, which is a shame. I've had trouble making friends... I always try to be myself and talk about the things I like, but it often just feels like people aren't really interested and try to shut me down. :(
    Yeah! And to be honest... Even if you think "I made the wrong decision", it's easy to forget that, had you not have chosen that said action, you would not be where you are today. Things could have TOTALLY been different if you chose the other action. It's hard to guarantee things in life. But the best thing to do is carry on facing each new day and not looking back. Of course, it is okay to look and enjoy memories, but it's not always good to dwell on the past. :( And yeah you are right. I hope you're okay! If you ever have any like problems with family or anything, you can feel free to vent to me (I don't mind if you PM me or message me on Skype or whatever). ^^" And thank you! Yeah I'm sure things will work out, it's just tough at the moment. I'm sure once I move out for uni next year things will settle down because I'm not constantly around them and hopefully I'd have matured much more by then.
    You're right. I think it's definitely good to have friends who you don't share common interests with, but of course, sometimes it's nice to be able to talk to a friend about something you really love and adore, and for them to share that same excitement with you, I suppose. Because... Sometimes when I am really excited about something, I want to talk to people about it, but it feels like... I just can't, because they often sound uninterested or bored of what I have to say. Even though I always listen to them when they talk about cool stuff they like.

    Well I guess there's lots of strategies so you are doing things right but just maybe the team you keep getting into just doesn't cooperate very well together, which is often the case. Of course the good thing about Splatoon is that even if you lose matches, you still gain experience. Unlike on Mario Kart 8, for example!
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