Oh, vases are a good start. I love fine arts and traditional arts more than digital, but I'm trying for digital despite my horrid ability to since it's what would bring in money if I was better at it. xD;
But the commission is on a game, where, we can create our own things, if we so desired and had the talent for, and, takes time to do. Because you can't just be like. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM done. It takes longer than I expect. So, since I've been sick, I've been so drain on the art level, and so I haven't been able to work on it.
Art blocks are EVIL.
But the commission is on a game, where, we can create our own things, if we so desired and had the talent for, and, takes time to do. Because you can't just be like. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM done. It takes longer than I expect. So, since I've been sick, I've been so drain on the art level, and so I haven't been able to work on it.
Art blocks are EVIL.