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  • Oh, vases are a good start. I love fine arts and traditional arts more than digital, but I'm trying for digital despite my horrid ability to since it's what would bring in money if I was better at it. xD;

    But the commission is on a game, where, we can create our own things, if we so desired and had the talent for, and, takes time to do. Because you can't just be like. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM done. It takes longer than I expect. So, since I've been sick, I've been so drain on the art level, and so I haven't been able to work on it.

    Art blocks are EVIL.
    I meant Noir-sama. I forgot the r. LOL.

    Anyways. I should get back to drawing. Lol. xD I owe a commission for a friend, but it's okay. It's a long term commission until I feel I've finished them.

    But besides that. What are you drawing? c:
    Hello. Looking for people to talk to at this hour. No one likes Noi-sama. >:

    But anyways. How are you tonight?
    I'm gonna try to be more proactive, though, and try some new studying/ note-taking methods, so hopefully everything will be okay. Have you started applying anywhere yet, if you are?

    Don't feel sorry for talking! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so far. And yeah, I think comm is basically a speech class, and I'll be taking a group version, so that'll be nice.
    That's great that you're having fun with it! Idk how AP bio would work online (because of labs), but I know people who have taken science classes online before, so I bet you'd do fine with it. I've been wanting to read more of Shakespeare's plays lately, so I'm probably gonna pick one up sometime soon. I'd like to read one of his comedies, so maybe I'll read A Midsummer's Night Dream or something. Have you read either of those books before? We read Catcher last year! I think I remember you saying you've read it before, but I hope you enjoy reading it regardless.

    I know the feeling. Tbh I feel like I coasted through high school (minus calc and chem last year lol), so I'm a little bit nervous about classes starting as far as studying goes.
    Oh, that sucks that you didn't get to take bio or stats! I never took stats, but I really enjoyed my AP bio class. Lit is pretty fun, too, but I feel like I didn't really learn anything. Do you know what books you're reading this year? And I hope you had fun starting your new classes today!

    Classes haven't started yet, but I'm taking bio and chem (along with the labs) as well with a writing class and a communications class. I'm pretty excited for bio and maybe chem, but I'm kind of nervous about comm.
    That's pretty cool! I've only ever had two teachers twice, but I enjoyed having them again because I thought they were both pretty great. I hope you get to take the AP classes you want to take, too. Which ones are you thinking of taking?

    And yeah, I moved in Sunday. I actually wound up quitting marching band, which I'm pretty happy about, so now I'm just waiting for classes to start and doing activities and stuff.
    It actually is my pit who does that, which is pretty funny I guess. That's so interesting that your dog isn't afraid of the vacuum cleaner. I think our other dog is the first dog we've had that hasn't been afraid of the vacuum. And oh yeah, I completely forgot! That seems like it'd be a really pretty mix.
    My one dog is kind of the same way-- she always runs and hides if someone turns the vacuum cleaner or stove vent on. I really hope you get to take him with you! What type of dog is he?

    I really like baking cakes, but it can honestly be kind of a hassle because of having to make the batter, bake them, let them cool, etc. before you can frost them, and like I said before, I'm not the best at decorating, so they don't always look great. I probably make chocolate chip cookies the most, though haha.
    And I bet you could totally get better if you practice; tbh I probably bake too much and should stop before someone gets diabetic or something, but it's always fun to bake for friends.

    That's pretty neat! Our school's done some stuff like that, too, and it looked pretty fun, so I hope you have fun if you get to join the club. And wow, that is pretty small. o: Our school had a ton of clubs, but in fairness I'm not sure how many people actually went to each of them.
    I can understand that, and as long as you're able to support yourself, it's probably best that you take care of yourself mentally as well. Would your parents be upset if you took your dog with you? I hope you get to keep them; I'd really like to take my cat with me if/when I go to vet school, mainly because my parents only got her for me so she's quite literally my cat and also because she'd be pretty old at that point, and I wouldn't want her to pass away while I'm at school.

    I've been baking... I guess almost 15 years? I first got really into it when we baked boxed brownies at my preschool and they let me crack the eggs, and from then on I helped my mom crack the eggs in everything lmao. I probably started seriously baking on my own when I was like 12, though. I'd love to be able to come up with recipes on my own, I think that's really neat too! I've always thought people who could create recipes just by eating something were awesome as well.
    Those sound like pretty fun clubs. I know our chapter of the National Art Honor Society did a lot of really cool stuff, so I hope you get to join the art club (I think a lot of art clubs do some neat things). What kind of community service club is it? We had a couple at our school, but the two big ones were Key Club and Habitat for Humanity.
    Oh, that is kind of interesting. I guess it's probably too late to start something like that, though, and it's probably best not to piss off your mom haha.

    Whoa, that's really brave of you! I don't think I would've been ready to move out when I was 18 or when I graduated (or even now lol). I hope things go well for you and that you're safe about it, but if you do find a roommate to stay with, that can be good financial security, so long as they're an okay person.

    I'm actually mostly a self-taught baker! My mom taught me how to make cookies and stuff like that, but I pretty much moved on from there and started baking other things by myself. I think you could probably teach yourself if you start small and realistically, although I'd like to take a cake decorating class or something of the like.
    That sounds like a good plan. Is your old school close by? And that's an interesting perspective coming from your dad, but I don't really know what he means by "unschooling" haha. I guess it couldn't hurt to talk to your mom about taking a gap year, but if you do go the community college route, I don't think you'll have to take a gap year per se. I hope things work out for you as far as school-- and I know you can always take out loans and that the FAFSA gives you more money if you declare yourself as independent from your parents, so you may want to look into that.

    Have you been planning on moving by yourself/ right away? o: Either way, I hope your moving goes okay and that you're safe.

    I'm thinking about joining some clubs! I'm doing band and then of course classes so that'll probably take up time, but I'd like to join a baking club or something haha. Do you do any clubs at your school?
    If you decide you want to go to school but want to take a break, a gap year's always an option. Would your parents be upset if you did that or didn't go to school at all?

    I move in on the 23rd, but school doesn't start until the 31st. I'm kind of blasé about it at the moment but I'm the type of person who doesn't care until things happen, and then I get really anxious and freak out lol. I really hope things go okay for you! It sucks to have to move in the middle of your senior year, but a guy in band moved here in January and graduated with us, and it seems like he made a lot of really good friends. Anyway, I wish you the best in whatever winds up happening.

    And I'm sorry I didn't respond until now, I'm lame.
    Yeah, the only thing I've finished was WWHD, and I binged that haha. Earthbound Beginnings is pretty good! It's kind of noticeably pales in comparison to Earthbound, though, but I think it's a pretty good starting point for the series.

    Oh wow, that sounds really complicated. I hope everything works out. I hope you don't feel pressured! Tbh I was kind of eh after school even after applying and waited forever to choose where to go, but I think all that matters is that you do what you feel best and comfortable doing, and I think I did that for myself, so hopefully things go okay. Basically don't feel pressured to go to a prestigious school if you get into one, or don't feel pressured to go to school at all! I have a friend who's in the same boat but is really easily swayed by others and just recently got a boyfriend, and she's been talking about how she wishes she had taken a gap year/ doesn't want to go to school.
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