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  • hey there, sorry i missed you last night, i had a bit of an emergency. but all is well and i'm able to trade today/tonight whenever you're back on. sorry we keep missing each other!
    I'll be online for the rest of the day today if you'd like to do it sometime soon c:
    i'm going to take your name off my list for the bell trade as you haven't responded, but if you're still interested let me know! :)
    hiya! I can do the bell trade in about twenty minutes, and I'll be free the rest of the night :)
    I have two orders ahead of your atm. Give me about 40 minutes to gather your stuff into my locker and take care of these two.
    Your order is still coming in thru the mail. I might have it ready by tonight. Catch me online after 7 pm EST
    I can order that as well MW Table 1980 + MW stool 1480 = 3460 + 202,600 = 207,060 + fee = 208,000 now
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