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  • hello you opened your gates before i added you so nothing is showing up please reopen your gates :)
    Haha, take your time. I plan on being around for a while, so just let me know when you do figure it out and we'll go from there. :) I hate when that happens and that's exactly how I lost Peanut. Not from TTing as I still maintain a perfect streak with that, but by my own negligence. The other idea you could do is restart your town.

    It is extreme because you will have to do everything all over again, and depending on how far you've gotten, it may be something that you just don't want to waste doing.
    Yep. That's why Kid Cat was a REAL PAIN in the a** to move. -___- Between him and Carmen, you have no idea how happy I was when they said that they were leaving.

    I've heard that hitting them doesn't do anything. Quite actually, it has the opposite effect from what I've heard. Really? I've never heard of that method at all. People usually don't let people talk to their villagers because they don't want their villagers to bring them up all the time, which I know I've heard of people like that before.
    Aww, sorry to hear that your favourite were moved out :[
    I'm still playing when I am free, just rarely and mostly I play offline because majority has stopped playing!
    Don't sad about villagers, you will get them back in one day~Gambatte!!
    That would probably be one of the BEST things they add, but yeah, you're right, it would be too easy. XD Oh noes, if you talk to them at all, they're a PAIN to get them to move, least in my experience. It's exactly why Cranston is STILL in my town. -____- I had a dumb moment and talked to him. *headdesk* Villagers tend to move faster if you don't interact with them at all.

    Hope Nate leaves soon. Maybe you'll have better luck than I'm having.. D: Indeed, so many choices and yes, I can update your banner whenever, so that should help. :)
    Haha, Draco. XD But yeah, it's Drago. :3 Ugh, it sucks that Peanut left because she and Drago were the only original villagers I had remaining and I hoped that both would be around forever, or as long as I care about Noveria. I wished you could lock-in villagers, because that would save a LOT of headaches. I will seriously jump for joy when Cranston leaves my town.

    I swear he's even worse than Kid Cat and Carmen and both were stubborn as hell to leave. Everyone else pings, BUT him. -____- Trying to befriend him now so MAYBE he can get his butt moving. OMG, it would be great if there was an evict function. XD But, you know people would abuse the crap out of it.
    I actually have a slot open for sigs right now, if you're interested. I'll have another one open tonight for sure. :) It's funny. Sometimes the slot(s) stays empty for days before someone puts a request in, but other times, they fill up fast. It's a crap shoot, to be honest since I never know when a slot will quickly fill up or not. XD

    True, and I do like my current set up. I can open up a slot if I feel inspired, and yeah, definitely good to not get bored. Right now, I'm doing it every other week, unless I feel like opening another slot in between.
    Haha, glad I'm rememberable (probably not even a word, but whatever. XD). Whoo, welcome back. As for me, working, in a very slow transition to move out, and also revamped my sig shop. :) Also offer ref sheets and avatars now.

    Though, with the ref sheets, I don't always have it open since I don't want to get bored of making them. They were never all that interesting, but who knows, maybe I'll open it in full force at some point... maybe.

    Also, got my dream town, except, like an idiot, I forgot to check one time and Peanut left. D: I've been trying to cycle get back, but it's pretty difficult when stupid Cranston won't leave.
    Hey Meguuu. Long time no see! How are you doing? It's been long time never see you :'D
    Megu-chan!! :D I dunno if you remember me, but how've ya been? It's been sooo long since we last talked.
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