She is, but her house is in a VERY bad spot. And she's not a dreamie. Damn, the unplanned move-ins... :/ Need that spot for Marina. Been trying to befriend her so she'd be more likely to leave, but no luck yet. I've tried the ignore trick before with Kid Cat and it DOES NOT WORK!! >.< At least not for me.
Yeah, I let Hippeux move out, so not a TTing accident, same with Scoot. I'm sad, but I'm happy he got a new home though. I will miss the conversations he had with my villagers. Oh, yeah, the other hippo I have is Rocco. :3 Both Rocco and Scoot have become like psuedo-dreamies so letting them go is VERY difficult, but I must to get my dream village.
(will post part 2 shortly... it was too many characters. XD)