mstout Jul 22, 2014 I'm so sorry it was supposed to be thanks for Katie but autocorrect made thanks for a toe
mortimae Jul 21, 2014 Sorry for the late response, just saw your post Opening gates now, town name is Dawn. ^^
L L luvanntr Jul 14, 2014 heyy! im going to have to get back to you later. I have a lot of trades to do right now so maybe when im done we can try again ?
heyy! im going to have to get back to you later. I have a lot of trades to do right now so maybe when im done we can try again ?
Mayorofarcadia Jul 13, 2014 Would you still like to come over and have a look? I'll leave my gates open c:
L L luvanntr Jul 9, 2014 hi just wondering if you are going to come over soon? I have to go in a little bit!