esweeeny Jan 1, 2015 They found her a home already, dengit! I will be sure to keep a look out she is hard to find!
esweeeny Jan 1, 2015 Okay I am going to see if she's still available they were giving her away on a thread earlier.
alesha Dec 31, 2014 there anyone else who wants Robin? I don't like going on acnl at this time {~shivers~}. Not thnx! Signed Alesha♡♥♡♥ there anyone else who wants Robin? I don't like going on acnl at this time {~shivers~}. Not thnx! Signed Alesha♡♥♡♥
D D deerui Dec 31, 2014 i have 700 and 300 of it is going to giveaway so... i really only have 400 tbt lol
aleshapie Dec 30, 2014 Are you still looking for Apple? I am trying to talk her in from my camp in my cycle.
Cashews Dec 30, 2014 No sweat!! You were just the last person in the looking for thread to ask for Ozzie so I thought I'd offer
No sweat!! You were just the last person in the looking for thread to ask for Ozzie so I thought I'd offer
Cashews Dec 30, 2014 Hey, I have an unoriginal Ozzie who will be moving out in ~3 days I think. Are you still interested in him?
Hey, I have an unoriginal Ozzie who will be moving out in ~3 days I think. Are you still interested in him?
D D deerui Dec 30, 2014 well, idk how much they go for, im new ;; maybe 200 tbt sorry! if no, then just make an offer