• Ooh! I may have someone in mind, I can ask if you'd like! :)

    ah thank you.. I'm experimenting today lol ;v;. more than that I need to practice drawing lines and what not @.@; I'm going to add you to my friend list and will be around all day (huhuhuh)~
    Merry Christmas! I am late for the wish, but thank you for wishing me!

    I haven't done it (didn't know a new one was up, so perf!!!) and I'd be more than happy to do it with you and a few others! :,D
    Also, when you get a ref, feel free to post it on my thread and I'll work on it~ n__n'
    I do! Sorry I wasn't expecting to do much on Christmas but I ended up being busy. Are u available?
    This sounds weird but... maybe your game is inside your radiator? I don't remember what exactly I lost once inside one, but it's possible for small stuff to slip in the little holes of some types of radiators!
    Your friend already owned the item so It wouldn't let me send it to him. So I had to send it to you. My apologies!!
    Agreed! I haven't done too much, I haven't played FL in a long time. I'm missing it hahaha xD.

    How is your progress? :eek: and did you manage to find that lost gamecard? ><
    It'd be best to message Jeremy about this one, seeing as he sends them out. :)
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