• Yeah, it's only 200 TBT, so it's no big deal ; v ; Just keep 'em! Fantasy Life is a really epic game, hope you can get it.
    I think you got your colors mixed up. The teal letter is the green-ish blue, not the light blue. You gave me the cyan letter. xD
    I'm not interested in the cyan letter so I'll just return it to you, but you can keep the bells if you want since I see you're trying to get Fantasy Life. cx
    Admins and Moderators can ban. Unfortunately, we don't discuss bans, warnings, or infractions publicly but I can assure you that they will be back after their suspension :)
    After a long time, one of my villagers has finally moved. (Albeit, not one of two unwanted, but I still didn't really want the third, and I had spent too much time with the moving.)
    Do I add the friend code on your profile? You can add the FC on my profile.
    After the trade, I'm letting you know to delete my FC card, because my 3DS friend list is practically full. ^_^;
    Hey there. I'm still having no luck of my unwanted villagers moving. Is it possible to push this to tonight at 8pm? I'd hate to do this to ya, but I would consider tonight the last chance, since I don't want to keep making you wait.
    Yes, brown usernames are suspended. There was a large amount of suspensions yesterday.
    The brown accounts mean banned, disabled, or waiting for email activation. As for the reports, it may take a bit for someone to get to them.
    Thank you very much! I appreciate it. What time would work for you? Same time at 8:30pm, or earlier? I'll have one of my villagers move out by tonight or early tomorrow.
    Aw man, one of my two unwanted villagers doesn't want to move. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but would it be possible to still pick up Ava tomorrow? If not, then I can completely understand. Just let me know of any concern.
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