• Ok then. One of my unwanted villagers has yet to move. So, I'm hoping I can complete this quickly.
    Don't worry about it. I actually appreciate/need the extra time, since one of my villagers (that I don't want) has yet to move.
    Ah, you had said PST! For some reason, I had read it at EST. Haha, whoops. Then it's fine; I'm sure I can get a villager to move by 8:30 PST (hopefully).
    How long will you be available for tonight? I still need some time to get a neighbor to move out.
    Aaah thank you! Though I already found someone who would let me adopt him. Thanks for the heads up though! :)
    I'd appreciate it if you could hold Ava until tonight. I'll be occupied for the day, and I'll need a little time to time-travel to make room for her. Thank you for the notice.
    Thanks for the heads up about Truffles. I actually just got her yesterday! Now the hunt for Mitzi begins
    whoa nice O: I can see why you'd be bummed about having to leave then. Also hell yeah grandma turning 90
    Aww I hope so, I mostly just play video games with the kids lmao and buying clothes/shoes online is not for the faint of heart. Although I've had exceptional luck getting the right shoe sizes when I buy online.

    good night, sweet dreams!! :> I'd go to bed too but I slept in today blegh
    Mm dinner I want some. Aw that sucks! ;/ I guess you had fun then, at least.
    Hmm I like shopping in general so pretty much everywhere, except during christmas time for obvious reasons. Shopping online is also good. :cool: I'm actually doing that right now, gonna get myself >this< and probably a Pokémon plush for my niece.
    I'm hungry, there's nothing good to eat in the house. 8( but other than that I'm gud bruh how doth thou do
    Aw it's alright, Nagisa is from Clannad. If you ever get a chance to watch it, please do. Just be warned, it may make you cry if you watch the Clannad After Story.
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