xenoblade Jul 4, 2016 hi !! i replied on my collectibles thread with the date of the november stone you were asking about, if you didn't see it yet !
hi !! i replied on my collectibles thread with the date of the november stone you were asking about, if you didn't see it yet !
Hatori Jul 4, 2016 Hi there, thanks so much! I'll send over the Pika eggs and you can send the 1k TBT over. Would you like any specific messages on them or leave them blank?
Hi there, thanks so much! I'll send over the Pika eggs and you can send the 1k TBT over. Would you like any specific messages on them or leave them blank?
a potato Jul 2, 2016 Hello! Before I send the eggs, would you like a message on them? I just want to make sure before sending them.
Hello! Before I send the eggs, would you like a message on them? I just want to make sure before sending them.
charade501 Jun 30, 2016 Sure, I'll take 1,200 TBT worth (300 Nuggets at your rate) and ignore the Cottonblu.
charade501 Jun 30, 2016 Hey there, I'll buy your PokeHeroes nuggets and a Cottonblue for 300 TBT. Here's my PokeHeroes profile: http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Charade
Hey there, I'll buy your PokeHeroes nuggets and a Cottonblue for 300 TBT. Here's my PokeHeroes profile: http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Charade
piske Jun 28, 2016 sorry, I didn't see your message before I closed my thread ;u; I only have 1 left but I am planning on keeping it - I'm sorry!
sorry, I didn't see your message before I closed my thread ;u; I only have 1 left but I am planning on keeping it - I'm sorry!