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  • Hi, is your ぶ (teal) from 2013 or first half of 2014? If so, would you mind date trading? Mine is 6/20/15 I believe, and I'm trying to get my letters all from around the same date (rest of mine are 2013-2014). Thanks for considering, and I wouldn't mind giving like 100 tbt for the trouble!
    Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me out by trading your Dark Blue Letter with mine? Yours has the date I need, thank youu c:
    (Mine is from the 4-15-16 restock)
    Oh okay thank you! LMK if you do because I'd very interested to reserve the Togepi and Dark Blue haha. Good luck!
    Heyyy, finally caught you online xD Just wondering if you were still up for selling those collectibles? Thaaanks
    Hi, not sure if you're still interested or not, but since it seems you haven't been online for 20 days, I've removed you from the list ^^;
    Hello~ You've now received a slot in my RLC shop. Feel free to go post a form now c: If you're no longer interested, please let me know ASAP.

    Here is a link: {x}
    can we post on ur collectibles store? u took off do not post from the title.
    Hi there! I was just wondering if you were still selling 3DS game codes for FR gems! Thankss, and sorry to bother you!
    nah but shoutout to your for changing your username like that
    that's some revolutionary stuff
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