Recent content by Zanderstorm123

  1. Z


    I used to go on: The Best 404 page ever
  2. Z

    Do you believe in magic?

    Do you believe in magic In a young girls heart Sorry :< but in all seriousness No.
  3. Z

    Feeling of Emptiness

    I only wanted to post this because I want to see if someone has similar feelings. So no matter how happy I am with my friends I always have an empty feeling in my heart. It sounds really cliche but in terms of relationships I also have this feeling? Does anyone else have it or am I already Insane.
  4. Z

    My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

    I am pretty much the king of unpopular opinions 1. Social Media is only for drama 2. I hate coffee 3. Pewdiepie's sense of humor is unamusing 4. Harry Potter bored me in the first few pages 5.My Neighboor Totoro was Okay 6. I dislike starbucks 7. Tumblr is not a website for me 8.Deviantart is...
  5. Z

    Freaky Dreams!

    Cannibalism Can't go into detail.
  6. Z

    Real life horror experiences

    Sometimes I get terrible dreams. Can't go into detail without concerning anyone or scarring them.
  7. Z


    Two Words Happy Appy