Freaky Dreams!


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Yesterday night I had a dream that I went onto this gazebo looking platform with another person. We both stood on it and than it floated towards heaven. After that we found ourselves in another universe and in that world christianity never existed and the world was filled with religion! We were wearing these weird baggy jackets as if we were soldiers, we went and stood in a line with other people wearing the same jackets and this man was standing beside the doorway making sure we entered correctly and abided by the rules. I felt a sad emptiness inside me, I wanted to go back to my own home universe but the person who was traveling with me said I can't and there's no way to get back. Than me, my partner, and the troops went downstairs into a room and than I called the police and they arrested me lmao! than I went into an elevator and these two guys walk in after me. I told them that I was an alien than turned into a green slimey humanoid. It was all totally weird man!
All my nightmares and night terrors are messed up, and I have them every night sometimes they get so bad that I begin to despise the concept of sleep, I'd talk about the most messed up ones but if I did I would so get a warning but I'll just say it they're extremely sexual and violent
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I will always remember this one dream I had. I was having a tea party with a bunch of stuffed animals in this dead foresty area and was pouring one of the animals a cup of tea. When I looked up, it was a scary ass version of my cat that jumped down hissing and landed on my face. After that happened I woke up.

I also had this dream that my house was flooded and wood shrapnel was floating everywhere. We were surrounded by sharks, but for some reason I felt it was important to grab this shiny, white gem at the bottom of our house. I dived in and was immediately bitten by sharks which felt real! It turns out my sister was pinching me to wake up lol.
I dreamt of a bar last night, and a name I kept seeing mentioned was Prince Blueblood.

That resilient, smug dasterd, trying to make a monkey out of Rarity!
Hmm....I don't know....weird dreams? Weird dreams happen to me all the time, but I some smidgen of sense out of them zel! They usually start with sentences like these, you know, the ones where extrapolation becomes string cheese through the question of the hamburger?

In fact, if you're reading this, make sure you're awake first! Take some car-ingested vroom-vroom shake if you aren't, bring your keychain and unlock the key!

(Short answer: Happens so often to me it's hard to pick which ones I should talk about~ In fact, I can't tell when I'm talking in my sleep or not given my dextrous perturbations in typing.)

I wonder how Blue Blood likes his meat then...perhaps blue-and-rareless too?
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Exactly how many of these types of threads have you made so far? :/

I have creepy dreams frequently, but I don't think much of it so I end up forgetting about all of them within like an hour of waking up. The only one I remember is being stuck in the scenes of the walking dead, and it was honestly really gory to the point where it completely disturbed me..but it's easy to ignore for me
I have the craziest dreams! So crazy I write them all down. They have just a little bit of everything; romance, adventure, angst... The mind can conjure up some weird things!
I`ve been getting more and more vivid dreams. Always about people dying or the end of the world coming and I know that sounds really bad. But quite honesty, if I would ever write them down and work them out a little, I could probably sell them for a fortune to HBO or NetFlix.

Because seriously, the dreams are insanely good. Fascinating stuff.
There is one dream that no matter how old I get will stick with me forever, it happened when I was about 8 years old. In my dream I had woken up and couldn't find me beloved cat Binkie, everyone in my house was looking around for him cause he never would leave like this, so my sister, mom and I all looked around for him, and then Daffy the Duck started to help us. We went outside calling for him and ended up in a dark alley (super cliche right?) all these evil alley cats came out and said they took Binkie (yeah they could talk) and I asked for him back, they shouted no and started to attack all of us, stuck my mom and sister in big cages along with Binkie, Daffy did the classic thing where his beak would turn backwards on his head and he said "you're despicable!" and they shoved him in the cage as well. For some reason I had super sweet ninja moves and was fighting all the cats off and then the cats backed off saying I beat them and so my family and friends could go free, but only if I became queen of the alley cats, so I did, had a crown and everything.
I had a dream when I was younger that I can still vividly recall because it really messed with me. Looking back it shouldn't have messed me up as badly as it did.

I was at the local pub with my brother who told me not to go outside as it was unsafe. Naturally I went outside. (The outside of the pub was a distorted version of the back garden of my house.) Nothing bad happened so I went back to my brother to tell him that he was wrong. He told me that the bad thing would only happen if I stayed outside for 5 minutes. So I went back outside and did that. I waited for exactly 5 minutes and nothing bad happened, so I was just about to go back inside when a giant robot smashed through the garden fence. Panicked I ran back inside. Now stood in my kitchen, because dream logic, I see my mum washing dishes. I call for her, rushingly telling her what happened but when she turned around to look at me she had no face. Terrified I illogically run back outside, stood just out side the door is an alien. A large blue blob with a crown atop their head. They had purple veins running through their whole body. They said 'small word isn't it' with a effeminate voice before I darted back inside. I woke up at this point, however the dream continued the next night. The continuation started at school in my classroom, when I find everyone is faceless, I run home and my brother is faceless too. I then woke up again. I had another continuation dream but my memories of said dream are too poor.

tldr: Blue blob alien came and stole the face of every human because dream logic.
All my nightmares and night terrors are messed up, and I have them every night sometimes they get so bad that I begin to despise the concept of sleep, I'd talk about the most messed up ones but if I did I would so get a warning but I'll just say it they're extremely sexual and violent

The pill never worked! Get the Star Rod!!

Hmm....I don't know....weird dreams? Weird dreams happen to me all the time, but I some smidgen of sense out of them zel! They usually start with sentences like these, you know, the ones where extrapolation becomes string cheese through the question of the hamburger?

In fact, if you're reading this, make sure you're awake first! Take some car-ingested vroom-vroom shake if you aren't, bring your keychain and unlock the key!

(Short answer: Happens so often to me it's hard to pick which ones I should talk about~ In fact, I can't tell when I'm talking in my sleep or not given my dextrous perturbations in typing.)

I wonder how Blue Blood likes his meat then...perhaps blue-and-rareless too?

OMG You're a brony!?


I had a dream before I woke up about a video game where you had to collect the blue stuff for many people (including Peter Griffin) to keep them alive due to a sickness spreading throughout the world (perhaps the blue stuff is medicine?), and then at one point, Wobbufett shows up to give advice, and some main characters in the game are the penguinesque rival for Kirby and also Yoshi, and you play as a futuristic girl. The blue background was easy enough to distinguish from the blue stuff.
I remember this specific, (I was a bit younger and I was addicted to Club Penguin,) but one night, I was in a barn with Squidward from Spongebob and we were telling ghost stories, then from out from one of the hay blocks, a rabid Puffle bit off Squidward's nose and was dragged back into the hay block. Then a blue penguin came down in a WWII Fighter Plane and dive bombed into the barn and killed everyone. I was a messed up kid...
I have a dream with my crush. Everytime he's my best friend. He holds my hand. And I'm everything to him. Then I wake up..hoping he'll text me. But he only ever wants one thing.
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All my nightmares and night terrors are messed up, and I have them every night sometimes they get so bad that I begin to despise the concept of sleep, I'd talk about the most messed up ones but if I did I would so get a warning but I'll just say it they're extremely sexual and violent

I have a version of night terrors. Some can be extremely violent. I suffer from hypnopompic hallucinations. Most people have them a few times in their life. I usually have them 5ish times a week. People that have higher anxiety levels are more prone to have them. The really scary thing about these are that you are in between consciousness and subconsciousness. Most everything around you is exactly like it should be. You see your bed, dresser, your room the wAy it always is but then in addition to my normal room I see things ranging from not too bad, like lazor lights to the extremely scary, like someone standing over me. I've gotten to where I can usually wake my husband up when I have them and he helps me get "out" of them. That has taken years to get thAt far though. The first few years I had them, I would be completely paralyzed. Now I can usually talk my self through them.

Hypnopompic hallucinations are triggered as you are waking. Not waking in the morning but usually 1-2 hours after falling asleep. Before you go into hard sleep.

I aldo occasionally have hypnagogic hallucinations which most people have. Example? When you are just starting to fall asleep and you hear someone call your name, of you have that feeling of falling and you jump. These are much more noticeably common.

They all suck though. Because I have a hard time turning my mind off before bed, I have a hard time falling asleep and my sleep patterns are off.

Ha! One of the funnier ones I've had was seeing buzz light year (belonged to my youngest son, and he sits on my craft shelf). Anyway, I saw him dragging toys out of my room one night. NOT kidding. By the time I got out of that one, I wAs actually laughing. My hubby knows to move very slow when he needs to get up, cuzsudden movements, lights, blinking lights, and sometimes even sounds can trigger these.

Dang, sorry this was such a novel. I didn't really intend for it to be this long.