Welcome to... THE ULTIMATE 1 TBT SHOP! 
A friendly shop that RESTOCKS DAILY and takes pre-orders for ALL out-of-stock items!
While you're here... check out the cheapest Material Shop and Bell Shop in all of Nook's Cranny!
Welcome to the cheapest Material Shop in all of Nook's Cranny! Here you will find every crafting material in the game, in alphabetical order! If you're here for DIYs only, please scroll to the top of the material list. ⭐ 4 TBT per Stack on ALL Materials ⭐ Collectible payments are negotiable...
❗ Important Announcement ❗ : I am now posting my availability hours for the upcoming week ahead of time. They will be much more limited (ranging from 4:30-8:00pm EST). If you are unavailable during these times, please do not post as I will not be able to help. Thank you. 7/6: 6:30pm-7:45pm EST...
1. Purchasing from this shop must go towards in-game use. No re-selling.
Two items
per USER per DAY are 1 TBT each. The 3rd and subsequent items are FULL price, denoted with (#).
- Collectible payments are negotiable. Like this post for 1 TBT off your next order over 10 TBT!
If you want to tip, you may! Here's what I'm looking for:
1. Give back! Trade
popular items for others to have a chance.
2. I'll still take
TBT! Always appreciated!
3. A little
positive feedback goes a long way to me

Pink roses.
PRE-ORDERS: If an item is low or out of stock, feel free to pre-order the item.
This comes with a 100% guarantee your full order will be ready for you by the next day!

❣All Non-Listed Unorderables are available for pre-order for 5 TBT each.

Villager Photos/Posters: 1 TBT (5)
Get any villager PHOTO/POSTER you want for 1 TBT.
Due to storage limits, villager photos are stored on another switch that I only have access to once every morning - 7am EST.

Hybrids: 1 TBT (1)
7 max of each

Real Art: 1 TBT (10)
- All Real Art are available for pre-order.
🖌 (Paintings)
Academic (0) | Amazing (0) | Basic (0) | Calm (0) | Common (3) | Detailed (0) | Dynamic (1) | Famous (1) | Flowery (3) | Glowing (1) |
Graceful (0) | Jolly (0) | Moody (1) | Moving (0) | Mysterious (0) | Nice (0) | Perfect (0) | Proper (0) | Quaint (1) | Scary (0) |
Scenic (0) | Serene (2) | Sinking (0) | Solemn (0) | Twinkling (1) | Warm (0) | Wild Left Half (0) | Wild Right Half (0) | Wistful (0) | Worthy (0) |
Ancient (0) | Beautiful (0) | Familiar (0) | Gallant (0) | Great (0) | Informative (0) | Motherly (0) | Mystic (0) |
Robust (0) | Rock-head (0) | Tremendous (0) | Valiant (0) | Warrior (0) | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |

Fake Art: 1 TBT (5)
- Non-listed Fake Art (Paintings+Statues) are also available for pre-order. Not restocked otherwise.
🖌 (Paintings)
Academic (12) | Amazing (9) | Basic (4) | Detailed (4) | Famous (13) | Graceful (7) | Jolly (22) |
Quaint (18) | Scary (20) | Scenic (4) | Serene (13) | Solemn (4) | Wistful (12) | |

Fossils: 1 TBT (2)
- All Fossils are available for pre-order.
Acanthostega (3) | Amber (3) | Ammonite (2) | Ankylo Skull (3) | Ankylo Tail (2) | Ankylo Torso (3) | Anomalocaris (3) | Archaeopteryx (3) | Archelon Skull (3) | Archelon Tail (3) |
Australopith | Brachio Chest (2) | Brachio Pelvis (2) | Brachio Skull (3) | Brachio Tail (3) | Coprolite (3) | Deinony Tail (3) | Deinony Torso (3) | Dimetrodon Skull (3) | Dimetrodon Torso (3) |
Dinosaur Track (2) | Diplo Chest (3) | Diplo Neck | Diplo Pelvis (2) | Diplo Skull (3) | Diplo Tail (3) | Diplo Tail Tip (3) | Dunkleosteus (3) | Eusthenopteron (3) | Iguanodon Skull (3) |
Iguanodon Tail (3) | Iguanodon Torso (3) | Juramaia | Left Megalo Side | Left Ptera Wing (3) | Left Quetzal Wing (3) | Mammoth Skull (2) | Mammoth Torso (2) | Megacero Skull (3) | Megacero Tail (3) |
Megacero Torso (3) | Myllokunmingia | Ophthalmo Skull (3) | Ophthalmo Torso (3) | Pachy Skull (2) | Pachy Tail (3) | Parasaur Skull (3) | Parasaur Tail (3) | Parasaur Torso (2) | Plesio Skull (3) |
Plesio Tail (3) | Plesio Torso (3) | Ptera Body (2) | Quetzal Torso (3) | Right Megalo Side | Right Ptera Wing (3) | Right Quetzal Wing (2) | Sabertooth Skull | Sabertooth Tail | Shark-tooth Pattern (3) |
Spino Skull (3) | Spino Tail (3) | Spino Torso (3) | Stego Skull (2) | Stego Tail (2) | Stego Torso | T. Rex Skull (2) | T. Rex Tail (3) | T. Rex Torso (3) | Tricera Skull (3) |
Tricera Tail (3) | Tricera Torso (3) | Trilobite (3) | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |

Gulliver: 1 TBT (10)
- All Gulliver Items are available for pre-order.
Alpinist Hat (2) | Ancient Administrator Hat (3) | Candy-Skull Mask (1) | Coin Headpiece (1) | Dala Horse (0) | Elder Mask (0) | Geisha Wig (0) | Hula Doll (0) | Kaffiyeh (1) | Katana (0) |
Lucky Cat (0) | Milkmaid Hat (1) | Moai Statue (1) | Nutcracker (0) | Pagoda (0) | Pigtail (2) | Pyramid (3) | Samurai Wig (0) | Silk Hat (4) | Sombrero (0) |
South Pole (0) | Sphinx (0) | Statue of Liberty (1) | Stonehenge (0) | Tam-o'-Shanter (0) | Tower of Pisa (1) | Tubeteika (1) | Turban (1) | Veil (0) | ------------- |

Gullivarrr: 1 TBT (10)
- All Gullivarrr Items are available for pre-order.
Pirate Bandana | Pirate Boots | Pirate Dress (2) | Pirate Flooring | Pirate Outfit | Pirate Wall | Pirate's Hat |

Fish Models: 1 TBT (10)
- All 80 Fish Models are available for pre-order.
Barred Knifejaw | Bitterling (2) | Black Bass | Bluegill (3) | Carp (4) | Crucian Carp (2) | Goldfish | Horse Mackerel |
| Pond Smelt (2) | Red Snapper | Squid | Zebra Turkeyfish | | | |

Bug Models: 1 TBT (10)
- All 80 Bug Models are available for pre-order.
Common Butterfly (2) | Damselfly | Dung Beetle | Emperor Butterfly (2) | Grand Atlas Moth | Grand Banded Dragonfly |
Grand Goliath Beetle | Grand Q.A. Birdwing | Ladybug | R. Brooke's Birdwing (2) | Scorpion | Tarantula |

Birthday: 1 TBT (10)
- All Birthday Items are available for pre-order.
Cake (1) | Candles (9) | 10 Cupcakes (3) | Hat (3) | Shades (5) | Sign (2) | Table (0) | Party Flooring (4) | Party Wall (5) | K.K. Birthday (0) |

Mom: 1 TBT (5)
- All Mom Items are available for same-day pre-order.
Art (33) | Candle Set (2) | Cool Kitchen Mat (11) | Cushion (9) | Embroidery (19) | Homemade Cake (332) | Lively Kitchen Mat (33) |
Pen Stand (2) | Playful Kitchen Mat (14) | Plushie (61) | Reliable Kitchen Mat (10) | Tea Cozy (0) | Tissue Box (25) | |
(Hand-Knit Sweaters)
Accent Patch (21) | Animal (32) | Chicks (46) | Flowers (0) | M (0) | Quilted Pattern (0) | Star (13) | Teddy Bear (18) |
(Handmade Aprons)
Animals (6) | Denim (10) | Family (2) | Flowers (0) | Forest Print (1) | Fruits (0) | M (3) | Quilted Pattern (3) |
Cherries (2) | Chick (11) | Colorful Quilt Design (4) | Denim with Stripes (20) | Flowers (0) | Forest Print (1) | M (2) | Polka Dots (3) |
🏜Saharah: 1 TBT (3)
- All Saharah Items are available for pre-order.
Ancient | Bank-Vault (3) | Blackboard | Chain-Link (3) | Circuit-Board (2) | Construction-Site (2) | Dark-Chocolate (2) | Desert Vista (4) | Dig-Site | Dungeon (2) |
| Heavy-Curtain (2) | Kisses (2) | Laboratory | Magma-Cavern | Mangrove | Meadow Vista (2) | | Office (2) | Paintball (2) |
Palace | Ringside Seating (6) | Rock-Climbing | Ruins (2) | | Server-Room (2) | Shutter | Sky (3) | Stadium (3) | Straw |
Strawberry-Chocolate (2) | Summit (2) | Tree-Lined (3) | Western Vista (3) | White-Chocolate (3) | | | | | |
Berry-Chocolates (2) | Boxing-Ring (4) | | Construction-Site (2) | Crop-Circles (5) | Crosswalk (2) | Daisy Meadow | |
Dig-Site (3) | | | Gravel | Highway | Lava (2) | Mossy-Garden | |
Parking (3) | Pyramid (2) | Racetrack | Ramshackle (3) | Rocky-Mountain (4) | Saharah's Desert (2) | Sandlot (2) | Scramble Crosswalk (3) |
Sidewalk | | Swamp (2) | Train-Station (6) | Western Desert (2) | White-Chocolates (2) | Wildflower Meadow | |

Raffle: 1 TBT (1)
- All Raffle Items are available for pre-order.
Blue Balloon (2) | Blue Sparkler (11) | 5 Bubble Blowers (14) | Fountain Firework (2) | Green Balloon (3) | Pink Balloon (0) |
Pinwheel (1) | Red Balloon (3) | Red Sparkler (14) | Tweeter (7) | Uchiwa Fan (9) | Yellow Balloon (0) |